Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

Chapter Nine


Clover apparated to Elijah's home in Sioux Falls where he and Nik now resided together as they tried to track down their father and Katerina Petrova.

"Nik!" Clover gasped out, clutching a wadded up jacket to her as she held her side where Katherine had stabbed her. "Elijah!" She had apparated as soon as she had been out of the public eye and straight to her mates. She had been heading to the Grill to get some supper for her and Teddy when the Elena-look-a-like, which had surprised her, had attacked her.

In no time, her two mates appeared and saw the state she was in.

"Clover!" They exclaimed before Nik reached her, supporting her as she fell back into his chest. Immediately, Nik raised his wrist and bit into his wrist before bringing it to her lips. The hand that wasn't holding her jacket to her wound came up and clutched his arm to her as Nik began to stroke her hair and Elijah kneeled in front of her.

The brothers shared looks of panic and anger towards the one that dared to harm their mate.

Finally Clover pulled back from his wrist with a gasp and leaned further back into him.

"Clover, what happened?" Elijah asked, raising a hand and tucking a lock of hair.

Clover's eyes locked onto his brown ones. "It was Katerina, or Katherine as she is now known as. Guess she didn't like me stopping Jenna from stabbing herself last night when Katherine told her to." She looks up and meets Nik's angry eyes. "She looks just like her."

"Who?" Nik asked, puzzled.

"Elena looks just like Katherine." Nik and Elijah's eyes widened and they exchanged glances.

"Is she human?" Elijah asked. Clover was puzzled, her brain still a little muddy from the pain and blood loss she had a few moments ago.

"Of course she is. I've watched her grow up for years now."

"So this Elena, Katerina, the Salvatores, and whatever else are all in Mystic Falls?" Nik asked, starting to hope that finally he would be free of his curse.

"Yes." And then Clover smiled, reaching in to her bloody coat pocket and withdrew something. "And she also might have stabbed me, because she figured out I had this."

Nik's eyes lit up and he bent and gave her a deep kiss, taking it from her. "You are the cleverest witch in the world, love."

"Indeed she is, brother." Elijah said, kissing her after Nik had pulled back. "Now, come. I'm sure you want to shower and change out of those clothes."

Clover smiled mischievously up at her serious mate. "Will you be joining me?"

Elijah's eyes darkened as Nik smirked and sped away to leave the two of them alone.

Elijah didn't respond, the temptation of his mate to tempting and swept her into his arms and up into the bathroom where the shower preceded to get very steamy.


The next morning Clover woke up half on top of Elijah with her head resting over his heart and her legs entwined with his while he had one arm thrown behind his head and another wrapped around her, holding her close to him.

She traced her fingertips lightly over his chest, still half asleep.

She felt Elijah move and kiss her head.

"Good morning, little one."

"Good morning, 'lijah."

They were silent for a moment.

"I don't think Nik and I have ever been more scared then we were in last night seeing you had been harmed. And we don't ever want you to be unprotected or be away from us again."

Clover raised her head to look down at him.

"What do you mean?"

"He means, love," Nik said, leaning in the doorway of Elijah's room. "That when you leave for Mystic Falls again, we will be joining you. And when we arrive, we'll be awakening our siblings."

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