Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Chapter 3

I know some of you are saying that Bonnie wouldn't act the way I portrayed her in the previous chapter but I've read so many fanfics and rewatched the shows and realized that, yes, Bonnie sorta does think she's better then everyone else and judges other people. And it just rubbed me the wrong way. So be prepared there is going to be bashing of almost all of the Scooby gang at some point. Oh, and *SPOILER* Clover is going to be on the side of the Originals, not the Scooby Gang, just sayin.

Later that night after Teddy was put to bed, Clover had sequestered herself in her library, which was filled with magical tomes and non-magical.

She summoned any magical books that spoke of vampires.

Ten books came at her summons, but only two stuck out.

One of the books spoke about a curse placed on werewolves and vampires, a curse that was very old, by the looks of the pictures in the book.

And the other was about how there were two species of vampires, two species of werewolves, and two species of witches.

It spoke of how the wand-wielders were the more powerful of the witches, since the other type were known as Wiccans and took from around them. How the non-magical werewolves could transform fully into wolves and had superior strength and senses then humans anytime. How the non-magical vampires were more human-like in appearance and some even had the ability to mind control and walk in the sun.

Clover continued reading about the diffrences between each species and didn't go to bed until almost dawn and after she had read the second book front to back several times in hopes that she would have every little detail memorized.

She knew that she was going to have to get her hands on not only vervain, for protection against the non-magical vampires, but also wolfsbane and Lobelia flowers for the other species of werewolf and witch.

The words of the book were swimming through her head when she finally went to sleep. And it was only a couple hours later when she was awoken by her alarm to take Teddy to school.

She groaned and got out of bed, taking a shower and getting dressed quickly before she went and woke Teddy up.

"Teddy, time to get up." Clover said softly, running a hand through his hair as she sat on the side of his bed.

Teddy slowly opened his eyes. He yawned and stretched. "Morning, Mama."

"Morning, Sweetie. Get dressed for me while I go make us some breakfast, okay?"

"Okay, Mama."

Clover kissed him on his head and then left his room, journeying down into the kitchen and starting to make breakfast.

Teddy came down shortly afterwards and practically inhaled the chocolate chip pancakes she had made him.

Then they left, getting in Clover's SUV and pulling out. But Clover stopped when she saw Jeremy Gilbert running across the street. He came up to the driver's side of her SUV.

"Hey, Clover, is there anyway you could drop me off at school? My ride bailed on me."

Clover sighed. "Yeah, sure. Get in." Jeremy smiled widely and went over to the passenger side and got in, turning around to greet Teddy.

"Hey, there little man. How's it going?"

And the two chattered all of the way to Jeremy's school, which was their first stop.

"Thank you so much, Clover. I owe you one."

"You're welcome, Jeremy."

And after that, he was gone and Clover was off to get to the elementary school.

"Teddy, do you want me to walk you in?"

"Yes, please, Mama."

Clover walked Teddy in, again being greeted by Teddy's teacher Miss Potts.

"Have a good day, Teddy, and I'll pick you up after school, okay?"

"Okay Mama, love you."

"Love you too." Then Teddy walked into the classroom and Clover walked back outside and to her car.

She had to get home and then apparate to the closest magical district to get those herbs.


After Clover had gotten home, she still had an hour to kill before she had to go pick up Teddy and so decided to get some lunch at the Mystic Grill.

She walked in and sat at the bar rail rather then at a table. She just ordered a salad and a whiskey thistle.

"What brings a pretty girl like you in here?" A male voice asked from her right. Clover snuck a peek through the corner of her eyes and saw a raven haired, blue eyed man.

"A pretty girl that has to pick up her son in about thirty minutes." She could tell that her British accent surprised him.

"A Brit? What are you doing in this podunk town across the pond?" Clover smirked.

"Would you believe that I threw a dart at a map and this is where it landed?"

The stranger smirked. "Maybe. That's different then how most people decide where to live."

Clover laughed softly. "Well, I'm sure if you stick around, you'll find out I'm not like most people. And I'm sorry, I don't believe I know your name. My name is Clover."

She reached out her hand to shake his but instead he lifted her hand and kissed the back of it... and she immediately noticed the ring on his hand.

How many vampires are there?! She thought to herself.

"My name is Damon. It's lovely to meet you, Miss Clover."

Clover cleared her throat, fighting the urge to draw her wand. "And you as well, Mr Damon. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go pick my son up. It was a pleasure to meet you, Damon."

And after paying for her meal, she left, hoping that the vampire hadn't decided that she was going to be his snack for the day.

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