She is the Best!!

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So, now your on your way to the infamous Roxy Raceway, which Cassie isn't that excited for. However that makes sense with what you all have already seen. The place is literally in Ruin and the animatronics could be a lot (and probably are) worse. Right now, for the most part, you guys are just trying to find a body for good old Freddy. He's been a head (from what you could gather) for a while now and giving him some legs and arms could help him out a lot. So, you, Cassie, The Daycare Attendent, and Freddy, are roaming the utility tunnels to see if you guys can find any destored endo parts that Freddy could use.

F: Superstar I'm very happy that your taking your time to do this for me but we probably shouldn't waste much time on it...we still need to find Roxanne and Montgomery...

Y/N: It's okay Freddy, its no problem, plus it would be helpful for you too move on your own just incase.

C: Yeah! and if anything it would make finding them a whole lot faster!

E: Hey Y/N, I think I found something...

You turn around and see Eclipse with a broken endo in his hands, or at least what he could carry, the head was practically torn off but the rest of the body seemed relatively fixable, it was mainly some damage around the legs and arms but other than that it looks...operable.

Y/N: What do you think Freddy? Think we can get your head onto it?

F: It's a possibility, I'm not sure how though...

E: Don't worry Freddy I think I can do it. After all it is just connecting some wires and putting your head on.

F: I guess your right...

You hand Freddy to Eclipse so he can attach Freddy's head to the body. While he does that you decide to have a conversation while he works.

Y/N: Hey eclipse...are the other daycare attendents okay? I mean from what I could get from the both of them they seemed to be...out of it. Sun was a stuttering mess and Moon just seemed...insane.

Eclipse stops for a moment, thinking about how to answer that question. Then he begins to talk, focusing mainly on connecting Freddy's wires.

E: Yeah...their okay now, they have each other. From what I could gather from my time inactive Moon really didn't want Sunny to have control. I believe it's because of the Glitch that infected everyone. Moon wasn't like this before it took control of him...he was sweet, caring, the children loved him...he told all the best stories to them, then when the glitch took control of him he just started getting more hostile...they had to keep the lights on in the daycare all the time so Moon wouldn't hurt any of the children or their parents that would try to pick them up...

Y/N: That' I had no idea, that must have been really scary for Sun...not being able to take any breaks or being able to keep the lights on...that's why they put the generators in the play structures isn't it? Incase the lights turned off the children would be able to turn them back I right?

E: hit the nail pretty hard on the head, if you ask the Rule Breaker he could probably tell you all about it...he turned the lights off in the daycare when he was here and had to deal with moon first hand...if only he had listened to sun to not turn off the lights then he wouldn't have had to deal with him...pesky Rule Breakers...

Y/N: Yeah...their okay now right? Now that I rebooted you guys?

E: Yeah their okay, they both are taking a well earned break after being active for all this time.

Y/N: That's good to hear.

Soon enough Eclipse was able to get Freddy's head screwed on and he was able to move around and control the body like he used too. Honestly, Freddy really seemed to miss being able to move around like he used too...

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