The past will always find you

4 1 28

V: Gregory just go wait in the car


V: Kid you've done enough and I'm not fighting with you. You need to go wait in the car, the second one of them become active they are literally going to try to kill you, not to mention the only reason Eclipse hasn't is because of their security protocol that hasn't been tampered with. The second those two or moon become active its not going to be a pretty sight. Just listen to me and go wait in the car.

G: But..but..please I just want to help. I know I messed up, but I want to try to fix it...atleast let me help Eclipse repair them while you guys go look for Monty...

While that conversation was happening you were helping Eclipse get Freddy and Roxy their new eyes, since Eclipse was the only one with access to the network that could see the blueprints he was practically the technician for you guys right now. You handled the eyes and he handled the wires and such. Cassie was busy looking at the two girls in the corner and wondering how they got that bad. Not to mention you guys couldn't find Chica's voice box, guess when Freddy got practically destroyed they had to get him another one which also meant Chica's was somewhere around the plex.

Y/N: What do you think Eclipse?

E: I think that these two will be able to see just fine

Y/N: No I mean letting Gregory help you with repairs, or at least repairing whatever you can.

E:...I don't need the Rule I don't want him NEAR them...and two there isn't really much that I can repair, we don't have a voice box for Chica and all we can do for Roxy right now is repair her eyes. Other than that there isn't really anything he can help with.

V: Well there's your answer kid, you gotta go wait in the car.

G: But Vanessa!

V: This is not up for discussion go and wait in the car....NOW

Gregory rushes out of the plex, starting to cry. Vanessa sighs and comes to join the group.

V: I don't know what to do with that kid sometimes...

Freddy stands up and blinks.

F: My eyes seem to be working well, thank you Eclipse, thank you Y/N, now if you excuse me I'm going to go...go comfort Gregory the best I can...

V: That's no need Freddy, it's best to leave him alone for now

F: With all do respect Vanessa last time I left him alone he destroyed my friends

V: . . . . .

F: Now I'm going to go do what I can and try to calm him down, Eclipse protect those three while they go and look for Monty, the girls should be fine where they are...

Eclipse gives a nod and Freddy exits the plex to go and comfort Gregory while you three go through the tunnels again to go to the main atrium.

Y/N: Well uh, with where everyone has been we should probably go and look in Gator Golf, since that is Monty's attraction it would probably be best to look there first.

E: I agree with you, that would most likely be the best course of action.

The girls agree and you all go towards gator golf...and then realize that the only way to get there is by and elevator...that is currently inoperable...

V: Uh kid, I don't think were going to be able to get into Gator Golf this way, there should be a way through the utility tunnels...there always is...

Y/N: I honestly should have remembered that Gator Golf used an elevator, its the same as Fazerblast...

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