Everyone together in one place

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Y/N: Well that's just helpful...

You looked upon Freddy, who was now shut down for some odd reason, to be honest your not surprised, him and Bonnie were very close...you probably should have given him a warning or something before you brought them out...

Y/N: Hey guys, could yall make a bunch of noise so the others can come and help me out with them...I can't exactly take them down myself...I mean unless the elevators worked but I'm pretty sure they don't..

Suddenly they all start blaring an alarm, your pretty sure you could hear it anywhere in the plex, and it was probably popping up on Eclipses interface right now. You didn't know how long it would take them to get here so you decided to check up on Freddy...yeah he was out alright. He was laying on the ground not moving, he probably shut down due to seeing them again...he always missed Bonnie from what you could gather...your not sure if he even remembered Foxy though, there wasn't really anything pointing to him at all in the plex, while Bonnie still had his face up on Bonnie Bowl, I mean, its literally called Bonnie Bowl. Foxy's attraction was Pirate's cove so it kinda made sense if he forgot.

Soon enough Eclipse was flying through the air with Vanessa and Cassie in either arm. Soon enough he landed them next to Freddy. They both seemed...relived?

V: Y/N, we were so worried, you really need to...stop..., Y/N where the fuck did you find those two

C: Who are they? That one looks like Bonnie, he was always my dad's favorite

Y/N: Yeah...its good old Bonnie and Foxy...I found them in a room behind Bonnie Bowl. I tried to get Freddy to help me carry them but...the second he saw them he kinda...well

You point to his body and they both seem to understand, more Vanessa than Cassie, and soon enough Gregory comes running over.

G: What happened to Freddy?!

Y/N: He kinda...shut down...he might have...

V: God fucking dammit Y/N, Gregory he found Bonnie and Foxy

G: I thought you said Vanny destroyed them?

V: Well I guess she didn't seeing how they are right there in front of us.

E: This doesn't make any sense, if they were still in the plex I would have been able to find them...

V: Well I'm pretty she took out there trackers so we couldn't find them in the first place...how did you find them anyways?

Y/N: Well this wet floor bot actually led me to them, trust me....I was just as surprised as you are....We should probably get them to the entrance..

E: Yeah...I'll grab Bonnie and Foxy, you guys can take Freddy down

Y/N: Alrighty, I don't think I have a problem with that, what about you guys?

Everyone nods in agreement as Eclipse takes the two off of the bots while you and Vanessa carry Freddy down the escalators. You say a quick goodbye to the bots and your on your way.

V: Hey Y/N...I just wanted to apologize for what I said back there...it was really uncalled for and I'm sorry I brought it up...

Y/N: It's alright....honestly if you didn't I probably wouldn't have ran off and found them....so if anything I should be thanking you

V: Kid I'm trying to apologize for being an asshole just take the fucking apology

Y/N: Okay Okay, thank you for the apology Vanessa

V: No problem kid

You both continue to walk while Gregory follows from behind.

G: So...you really used to work here?

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