The Hogwarts Express

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September 1st - 6 a.m. 

Lilith's POV-

I had awoken my parents early this morning. We had to go through the checklist at least three times before the final check. Which was to be conducted exactly thirty minutes before we left for the platform. The platform is 9 3/4 specifically. Where I would arrive exactly forty-five minutes early. I was nothing if not punctual. 

So when I initially woke up I had some oatmeal. Father packed me a lunch and some snacks to share with my friends on the train. I doubted I would be quick to make friends - however, who knows what the future might hold. Well, maybe magic folk who were skilled in divination would know. 

Father woke before Mother, claiming that she needed her beauty sleep. Although, mother was quite beautiful so the sleep was unnecessary. I tried to explain this to father, but he said I shouldn't go and wake her. 

So Father and I did the checks on our own before Mother came out. Mother arrived in the living room like a magical goddess as she wore her fancy robes. Father wore robes as well, although they were merely plain and black. Mother wore a set of robes that was adorned with jewels and even sleeved gloves. She was stunning. I made sure to tell her this before we did our final check. 

"Mother, you look amazing. Father saying you needed your beauty rest is absolute poppycock." I huffed while I pulled out my list of things to pack. 

"Why thank you darling, now do you have everything a young witch like yourself would need?" She smiled as she bent down to pick up Alister who was wandering around the house to get his energy out of the trip. 

"I shall check once more," I began to read off my list from Professor McGonagall, "Three sets of plain work robes (black)?" 

Father answered, "Two in the large trunk, one you're currently wearing."

"One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear?" My finger moved to the next item on the list.

"In the trunk crossbody bag on your hip," Father nodded. 

"Protective Gloves, Dragon Hide, One pair" I continued. 

"Yes, large trunk," Father confirmed, "I also hexed the trunk so it can hold more items."

"thank you," I smiled, "a winter cloak, black with silver fastening" 

"Check," mother smiled as she answered. She looked into the trunk to see that they were there, "Great hex my love. I think Newt would be proud." 

Father laughed, "Oh there is no way this hex is as good as the mythical creatures briefcase." 

I shrugged off, assuming I would learn what they were talking about. I continued with my list, "Clothes for off days with no uniforms? AND all clothing items have my name labeled on them?" 

They both smiled and nodded so I continued with the next part of the list. 

"Alright then, onto books," I read out the first title, "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1" 


"A History of Magic?"


"Magical Theory?" 


"A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration?"


"One thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi?" 


"Magical Drafts and Potions?" 

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