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I've never been so certain of anything in my life like i am about us- AR

"another one?" Marjorie asked, clearly annoyed.

Charlotte only pocketed the piece of paper. She has been receiving romantic love notes for a few months now. She would always find them in the weirdest places; her locker, her bag, inside her favorite book in the library and even on her bedroom window sill or under her ipad on her desk. She even found one in a pizza boz when she went out to eat with her friends. as hard as she tried to find out who it was, it wasn't any good and to be honest, she liked the mystery.

"Come on char! That can't be healthy, You're rejecting real life people for some stranger that keeps sending you creepy love notes" Autumn added

"They're not creepy!" Charlotte exclaimed
"they're cute and romantic" she said

"Someone is in loveeeee" Winter sang

"Thats stupid Winter, she can't be in love with she's never actually met, She doesn't even know this person. It could be a 50 year old pedophile" Autumn replied

"I hate to admit it but i agree with Autumn" Marjorie added

"shut up Marjorie you're just agreeing with Autumn because you're scared of her, They are not a 50 year old pedophile. they are a romantic and im sure cute person who's genuinely into meand cares. They also go to our school, of that im sure" Charlotte said

"How do you know they go here" Winter asked

"Because they sent me notes through my favorite book, means they know me" Charlotte answered with a cheesy smile

"means they are a stalker" Marjorie muttered

"Well i like them, i like the notes and that's all that matters"

"whatever keeps you going" Autumn sighed

"I think its cute and this person obviously cares deeply for you" Mia stepped in "Don't let these dicks" she paused and turns and gives a stirn look to their friends "put you off" she finished with a wink. Both Mia and Charlotte smiled at each other and walked to their next class with their hands interlocked. Mia blushed furiously


Charlotte's pov

I was in English class but all i could think about was my mystery person and the notes: why couldn't i get them out of my head.....

I looked to my right and saw Mia, my bestfriend, getting up from the floor "what are you doing" I asked with a chuckle. Mia didn't even look at me when she replied "i dropped my phone, i was just picking it up" weird her phone was on her desk the whole time. Whatever.

I reached into my bag on the floor for my books when i felt a piece of paper fall from the pocket. Another note.

if, out of time, i could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that i have lived, i would pick the moment i met you- AR

I could feel my face heat up and a tear make its way down my cheek.

"what you got there Juliet" Mia asked

"Another note" i said "look" I showed her the note. Mia read through it and smiled back at me "so you've met this person before" she said hmmm i've never thought about it, but it must be true for them to write it.


"I'm just going downstairs to let my mum know you're staying over" Charlotte told Mia who nodded in agreement.
Charlotte came back upstairs to her room with snacks for the two while watching movies. She settled on her bed comfortably when she heard Mia's voice. "Hey could you open the window a little, it's kinda getting stuffy in here" The brunette stood up and made her way to the window. She noticed a blue piece of paper sticking to the glass.
She smiled, knowing what it could mean.

You're the reason I'm still breathing, and yet you still manage to take my breath away every time I look at you- AR

Charlotte screamed and jumped, gaining a smile and a confused look from her red haired best friend
"Another lovesick note?" She asked Charlotte nodded but furrowed her eyebrows "hey you didn't see anyone by the window by any chance did you?" She asked "nope, I was getting changed in the bathroom pretty much the whole time you where gone, sorry buddy"
"Oh okay" Charlotte responded
"So" Mia winked "what now"
"I have no idea, I want to talk to them though, so bad"
"Badly" Mia corrected her "would you like...give this person your phone number or email if they asked?" Charlottes seemed to ponder the idea "yeah, I think I would, that way I could talk to them, Yanno? Get to know him better" she replied and Mia nodded and gave a smile to Charlotte.


Hey! So this is the first time I've wrote so please constructive criticism not just hate please and Thankyou!
If you have any ideas on where this story should go please feel free to pop me a message! I will be updating every Monday Wednesday and Friday.

IG- @_chantellekjohnson_
X (formerly known as Twitter)-Mialotte0

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