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AR🩷- Charlotte?

AR🩷- Please reply

AR🩷- I'm sorry for what I said, can we go back to how we were before

AR🩷- If you don't want to talk to me ever again I understand but please tell me, don't leave me hanging like this

It's been three weeks and Charlotte hasn't replied to a single message she received. She didn't know what to do or say. She wanted to meet up and at least be in the same room as the guy but it felt to shady and wrong for him to want her blindfolded

She couldn't t talk to any of her friends about it, she knew they would tell her to kick him to the curb for been a pervert

AR- Maybe you genuinely don't want to talk to me anymore... if that's the case it's alright just know that I love you

Charlotte looked at her phone and felt a little sad. She didn't wanna end it, any of it. She liked this guy.

"Why the long face loser"
She heard her friend Marjorie ask. She raised her head, thinking the question was aimed at her but she was looking at Mia. Charlotte noticed a sad look on her face and felt like shit, Her best friend was sad and all she cared about was a stupid crush.

"Mia.. are you okay" she asked

Mia didn't even look up at her she simply nodded and kept looking at her phone.

Charlotte stood up and grabbed Mia's arm pulling her into the closest empty room she could find "what's wrong babe, I'm sorry I haven't been very present in your life recently but I'm here now so please talk to me"

Mia stood there fiddling with her hands, she often did that when something was on her mind or she was nervous. Charlotte held out her hands one holding her hand the other went to Mia's face to tilt her head up to look at her. That's when she realised Mia's eyes were welling up with tears.

"I- sorry" she cleared her throat before trying again "I'm really sorry Charlotte I should of just been honest with you and now I've messed everything up"

Charlotte stood, still with her hand on Mia's chin and the other holding her hands.


Charlotte's pov

I have no idea why Mia is apologising to me, what has happened? What has she done? I was so far in thought before I heard words I never expected Mia to say...

"I'm gay... I've been wanting to tell you for so long but it's so difficult, it's so hard to admit how different I really am. I like girls... well no I like A girl" she spoke quietly as she slowly backed away from me, one second she was practically crying and now she looked so conflicted.

"Oh Mia" I sighed "that's completely cool, nothing will ever change the way I think about you, did you expect me to hate you because of what gender you want to bump uglies with" I added with a smile and then I remembered she said she likes a girl! "What? Who do you like" I felt a weird feeling in my tummy, I had a rush of so many emotions all at once and I didn't like it at all.

"I like you" Mia whispered she then shot her head up to look at me, I don't think she wanted for me to hear it but I did, I had always been close with Mia, we had sleep overs every Friday and Saturday night, we cuddled ordered food in and watched movies will we fell asleep in each others arms. She's always been my safe space, my comfort blanket as some would say

"You, you like me" I asked shocked I made sure not to sound negative because that's the last thing Mia needed right now

"I'm so sorry" she sighed as a tear ran down her cheek, Mia had always been beautiful and I've only seen her cry a handful of times in the few years we had been friends. But every time I've seen her cry I've always took a minute to appreciate her true beauty in the purest form.
I approached her again, I took my thumb and wiped the stray tear off her face. I looked up to notice her eyes were already on me. Mia's eyes are so pretty, they are an Ocean blue colour and they are so captivating

I felt myself lean in slightly, I have no idea why but I glanced down at her lips... they were slightly chapped from her biting them. She always bit her lip when she was focused in class or exited about something, it was really cute actually. Her lips were so full.... I looked back up and notice her eyes where focused on my lips now, which made me get butterflies but also I moved in closer till I could feel her hot breath breathing against my lips. Do I want this?
Our eyes met and I lent in a little more. I felt her lips brush mine and her eyes closed. She finally connected our lips and it took me a second to get my thoughts together and realise I should really do something instead of stood stiff.
My hand went to her cheek and I started kissing her back, as cheesy as it sounds it felt so right and I had a stomach full of butterflies. I felt her tongue graze my bottom lip asking for access, my body reacted before I could even think... I allowed her access and the kiss soon became a fight for dominance.

I was so focused on the kiss I didn't realise I was walking backwards till my back hit the wall.
Amelia Roberts, my best friend, was in a supply closet with me, back against a wall. Kissing. Never did I think this would happen. She then bit my bottom lip which I let out a low moan which seemed to make her slightly pull away.

I didn't realise till now how much I needed to breath, as we were both catching our breaths...

My thoughts were soon cut short when the door handle turned... I quickly moved away from the wall that I was still pinned against. It was pretty obvious to whoever walked in that it wasn't just a conversation happening In the supply closet.

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