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Two weeks had passed and Charlotte was always eager to head to her locker in hopes of another note. They would continue to be romantic and mushy and Charlotte loved it. After opening it this morning she found a black piece of paper, she grabbed it and saw a black rose placed behind it. Her favourite flower. She sniffed it and almost melted by the gesture. She opened the note that was written in white ink and read it.

I can't concentrate on anything when I think about you. I walked into that ugly old teacher Mr roger because I was looking at you walking with your friends!

Charlotte laughed out loud

I've always thought about what kissing you would be like. How your lips would taste, how tender then would be if I bit into your bottom lip.... I've always wondered how husky your voice would sound moaning in my ear...

Charlotte found herself blushing at the note. She would sometimes get these types of notes but she never dared tell her friends the content of these. They were for her eyes only.

I want you so badly Charlotte, I promise you I'm not a creepy old stalker. I truly care about you and I'm in love with you, I have been for a while.
"I believe you" she muttered under her breath
I put my number below just incase you want to text me and ask me anything, I don't think I'm ready for you to find out who I am yet so I will only text you, but I promise one day you will know. Yours sincerely, AR
(Number inserted)

Charlotte ran to lunch, plopping down next to Mia and Winter "What's gotten you so preppy" Marjorie asked Charlotte smiled and shook her head "nothing I just got a good test result in maths" Charlotte grabbed her phone and started a new text.

Hey, It's Charlotte

Charlotte heard a ping go off and she looked around to see whose phone had gone off. She hoped for a moment her mystery person was around but the bell rang just before she could check.


Mia's pov

*ping ping*

Oh shit, I completely forgot to put my phone on silent. This means she read the note. And she was happy about it!

Hey, it's Charlotte

Hi sweetheart

Shshsjsj. Dead.

I hope not! You're too beautiful to die so young.

From- C
Thank-you for giving me your number. It means a lot and now we can actually have two way conversations

What makes you think we haven't had conversations before

Im trying really hard to keep myself from asking who you are because I know you're not ready to tell me yet, but when you say stuff like that it makes me what to know so bad!!

Badly, just know that I love you and I would do anything for you. One day I'll tell you who I am and maybe I'll tell you all those romantic things instead of writing them to you

God you sound just like my best friend, She's also a grammar freak! So you go to (inset school name)

Oh crap why did I say that! Way to go mia

Yours SincerelyWhere stories live. Discover now