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Mia woke up with the feeling someone was watching her, half of her body feeling a little heavier than normal and a mix of lavender and cheep beer could be smelt. Charlotte. Charlotte was in her house, in her room, in her bed.

Mia slowly opened her eyes, taking a moment to get used to the sun through the blinds. Her eyes met ocean blue ones, a small smile was replaced by an embarrassed one. Charlotte had been caught staring at the then sleeping girl who she was still holding close to her.

"Good morning sweetheart, how are you feeling" Mia spoke gently

"God Mia, don't be so loud my head hurts" charlottes wined

Mia shifted away from Charlotte without another word and left her room, leaving Charlotte with the assumption that she had upset Mia, once again but her body was in to much pain to follow her.

Meanwhile Mia made her way to the kitchen to make Charlotte a fresh coffee and grab her a cold bottle of water and painkillers, because Mia stopped drinking Farley early she isn't feeling rough this moving, Charlotte on the other hand is certainly regretting last nights decisions.

"There you go my love" Mia said as she walked into the bedroom passing char her fresh coffee water and painkillers.
"Oh thankyou Mia, You are a great friend" Charlotte spoke without a second thought
"Yeah a great friend" Mia answered under her breath but Charlotte heard her

"I'm sorry, I actually wanted to talk to you about that, before you interrupt. Just listen. After you kissed me I was shocked and confused. Not about you about me. I was shocked because I felt so great, I felt so special and seen and I got so many butterflies, nobody has ever made me feel like that, ever. You have always been my person, my go to, my voice of reason and my safety blanket, so I was confused because kissing you felt so right and I never want to put our friendship at risk like that. But now I know that avoiding these new feelings will effect us more then anything. What I'm trying to say is I like you Amelia Robert's and if you still like me I'm yours, forever and always"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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