My hero (LoZ - Link x Reader)

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Link let out a loud cry as he slashed an old trunk in half, earning excited cheers from his spectators.

You giggled and brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face, watching the enjoyable happening in front of you.
Link was practicing with his sword as it was often the case and the children from Ordon Village were watching him, fascination written all over their faces. They pumped their little fists into the air, letting out different shouts of approval like "You can do it, Link!" or "That was awesome!".
Link acted as a model for the village children and they keenly followed his diligent example.
You found it extremly cute how Malo, Talo, Colin and Beth emulated Link, dealing out wild blows right and left with wooden sticks they found laying around, trying to immitate his sword practice.
They would always come to the training field and watch Link exercising with his sword.
Ilia jointed them occassionally, though she mostly just rolled her eyes at the kids' behaviour and called them "too childish".
You knew why she did so – she wanted to appear cool and mature in front of Link, but why? Well, she obviously had a crush on the blond man and wanted to impress him, but who could hold it against her? Link was everything you could wish for a boyfriend to be. He was clever, hardworking, handsome, smart, responsible, honest – the list could go on.

You looked over at the cerulean-eyed man and stiffled once again a loud laughter as you noticed what was happening to him. Malo and Talo were each tugging at one of his arms while Colin took a wide run-up and jumped at full power at Link's back, causing him to fall with a loud thud to the ground due to his lost balance.
The boys then eagerly pulled at the blond's clothes, hair and even face, making funny expressions by pinching his cheek and squeezing his nose. Beth was quick to take part in teasing Link and runned over to the others, only to put a flower crown on top of the young man's head which made him look just too adorable. You couldn't hold in anymore and burst out laughing, clutching your stomache while small tears ran down your cheeks.

"T-this isn't funny at all, (f/n)! C'mon, help me already!"
You could hear a muffled cry of help (the children were still pulling at Link's face) comming from your desolated friend who was clearly unable to cope with Malo, Talo, Colin and Beth.

"Alright, alright!"
You chuckled slighty to yourself as you decided that the time had come to finally help Link and started to walk over to the group, clapping your hands several times to draw the children's attention.
"Hey, guys! That's enough for the day, poor Link needs some rest now!"

The village children shouted together and immediately let go of Link who was still laying on the ground, totally drained.

"My, my! Look how late it is!"
You faked a surprised expression, gasping and holding a hand against your cheek.
"It's nearly dinner time! I bet your parents are already waiting for you!"

The kids all gaped, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Oh, no!"

"It's already dinner time?!"

"Mommy and daddy are waiting for us!"

"Yeay! Today's spaghetti for dinner!"
They exclaimed excitedly, talking all at once.

"You guys better hurry or do you want to be late?"

Beth, Malo, Talo and Colin shouted once again in union and started to dash back to their homes in Ordon Village but not before saying goodbye to Link and you.
"Bye, Link! Bye, (f/n)! See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"
You shouted and waved after them, chuckling at their eagerness.
You then turned around to Link and bend slightly down, stretching out a hand toward him.
"They sure have a lot of energy."

"You have no idea..."
The blond let out a heavy sigh before gratefully taking your hand and pulling himself up from the ground.

"Aww, don't be such a whiny old man!"
You said in a teasing tone, nudging playfully his side with your elbow once he was back on his feet.

Blooming Love (LoZ - Link x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now