Living together (LoZ - Link x Reader)

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"O-oi, (f/n)! Wait up for me!"

You smiled contentedly to yourself as you heard quick steps coming towards you. Turning around, you saw Link rushing down the stairs from the rooftop to your living room at the speed of light.
He was eager to confess his feelings for you. Now that you had kissed him, he was sure that you felt the same for him and all in a fluster, he started to declare his feelings for you while he was still dashing down the wooden stairs.

"I need to tell you something! I like you! Like really, really like you! So, I wanted to ask you if you want to be my- WOAAAAH!"

Well, maybe he was being a little bit too eager about it.
The blond man didn't watch his steps properly and nearly tripped over a stair. Waving his arms hastily around, he kind of managed to keep his balance and proceeded to clumsily blunder down the residual steps.
However, fortune didn't seem to favour Link in this matter.
The cerulean-eyed man's unsteady stagger caused him to stumble over his own feet and loosing his balance once for all, Link began to fall face-first toward the ground, about to make the aquaintance of your nice floor.

Depending on how someone might look at it, you could consider Link somewhat lucky.
A few days ago you had replaced your thick down quilt with a thinner blanket since spring had already dawned and it got warmer and warmer with each passing day. You had placed the Oocca down-filled cover near the staircase, wanting to store it away later on but in the end you'd never done so. To Link's luck.
For it was exactly this duvet which put a damper on the blond's fall.The collision of Link's body with his pillowy buffer caused many feathers to raise from the soft batting as the young man unwittingly teared a small hole into the eiderdown.

"Oh, my gosh! Link! Are you okay?!"
With a worried expression on your face, you rushed over to the blond whose face was now completely embedded in a bunch of Oocca downs.

"...girlpfriente? Pffeeh. Ugh."
Link didn't get to correctly finish his question as he spit out some feathers, sticking out his tongue in disgust, only to reveal even more downs.

Seeing that your beloved man wasn't hurt, your worried expression quickly turned into an amused one and you had to cover your mouth with your hand to hide the huge grin that was creeping onto your face. But looking furthermore at Link, who was all covered in feathers, it was hard, really hard to hold back and in the end you couldn't but snort with laughter at the sight in front of you.
The heat rose to the cerulean-eyed man's cheeks and he turned his head to the side, embarrassed about his ridiculous bearishness.

You giggled at the shy blond's reaction and reached your hand out toward his face to take a fluffy down off of his cheek that had been clinging onto it which made his face just even redder.

"You're so clumsy, Link!"
You let yet another chuckle escape your lips before brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, becoming nervous all of sudden and blushing slightly.

"And as far for that other matter...yes. Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend."

You smiled fondly, remembering this precious moment.

"Hey, what are you grinning about like an idiot?"
Link asked you curiously as he looked at your dreamy figure, nudging lightly your side while the two of you walked hand in hand to Epona's stable.

A wide smile appeared on your face and you decided to tease your boyfriend a little bit.
"Oh, I'm just reminiscent of the romantic way you asked me out.~"

A light pink tone grazed the young man's face and he bashfully rubbed the back of his head, still embarrassed about what had happenend months ago.
"Could you please stop reminding me of it?!"

Blooming Love (LoZ - Link x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now