A not so private proposal (LoZ - Link x Reader)

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You sighed what felt like the hundredth time for this day as you rolled around in your bed so that you were laying on your back, facing the ceiling.

Rusl had been keeping Link pretty busy with various tasks over the past few days and you'd rarely got to see him, even though you were living together. The blond often had to get up very early but you'd always managed to see him off nonetheless. However, this morning was different for you had awoken to an empty bed.
Groaning, you grabbed a nearby pillow and pressed it against your face, deafening the frustrated cry you let out immediately afterwards. Even though you really wanted to, you knew that you couldn't keep staying in bed for the whole day and so you pulled yourself together and got finally up from your bed, only to grumpily stomp down the stairs to the kitchen.
It wasn't until you saw a small piece of paper laying on the dinner table, that your grim expression turned into a curious one.

You wondered aloud as you walked over to the wooden desk. Picking up the note, you read it.

'You'd better watch out, because tonight I'm going to steal your heart away.'

Smiling to yourself, you clutched the small paper tightly to your chest as you twirled around, letting out some content hums.
You certainly didn't know what Link had planned for you two, but you were happy that he was finally able to make some time for you and awaited with a thrill of anticipation the coming night.


Sitting on the big sofa in your living room, you combated fatigue and tried to stop your eyelids from dropping as you became increasingly tired. It was already past midnight and Link had yet to show up. However, you were dying to spend some time with him and so your thoughts did not even anywhere near cross the idea of going to bed.
Suddenly, you heard a quiet cracking sound, signalizing you that the door to your house had been opened. It seemed like your tiredness had been completely blown away as you immediately shoot up from the couch and started to run over to the front door.

A huge grin appeared on your face as you greeted your boyfriend excitedly, tackling him down in a big welcome home-hug.

The blond man chuckled lightly and enfolded you in his big warm arms before gently kissing you on the forehead.
"Hey, there, (f/n). Sorry, I'm pretty late. I actually wanted to be home way earlier but the preparations took longer than expected."

You tilted your head up and looked with curiosity in your boyfriend's cerulean eyes as you raised your eyebrows in question.
"Preparations? What kind of preparations?"

Link started, wearing a huge grin on his face.
"You'll see it soon. But first we have to switch locations, this isn't really the right place for what I have in mind."

Flashing your boyfriend a warm smile, you took his warm hand in yours and gave it a light squeeze.
"Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go already!"


"Wow...Link...that's...that's amazing!"
You gazed with wide eyes at the beautiful scene of Ordon Spring.

Several large torches were set up on the waterfront and colourful pretty flowers closed a ring round them. Lamps shaped like water-lilies floated on the glistering spring water water and illuminated the place beyond the crescent's bright moonshine.

Link's soft voice broke the silence of the night and turning around to face him, you were met with a very serious look that made your heart pounding like crazy.
The young man then took a deep breath and grabbed your hands, squeezing them gently before continuing to speak.
"I've been thinking about this for a while now and the more I pondered over it the more I realized how much I care about you. (f/n), I love you. I love you with all my heart...and theh. You know, I've actually wanted to avoid too much cheesiness but I thought this would suit the special occasion and you only deserve the best, so...here. "

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