Why? (LoZ - Daddy!Link x Mommy!Reader)

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"Mommy! Mommy!"
Your five-year-old son, (s/n), came running into the kitchen and tackled your legs, embracing them in a tight hug. Looking up with a cheerful grin on his face, he asked you in an excited voice.
"What are you doing, mommy?"

Turning your head slightly to the side, you looked down at the little tyke and smiled instantly upon seeing the cute expression on his face.
"I'm preparing two lunch boxes, one for you and one for daddy."

"Ohhhh! Are you going to add cookies to my lunch box?"
Standing up on his tiptoes, the young child tried to peer over the kitchen board, wanting to see how you were making the food, but failed miserably because the kitchen furniture was way too high for him to reach.

You chuckled to yourself as you glanced at your son who was now pouting with his rosy cheeks puffed out and his small arms crossed over his chest. Putting down the kitchen utensils you were using, you turned around to your son and crouched down to his level before poking his cute little nose, what earned you a small giggle from your kid, and going back to preparing the food.
"Yes, you'll get some cookies."

"What kind of cookies?"

"Those you like most, with the little chocolate chips."

The little tyke's eyes immediately started to shine with joy as he threw his hands up in the air and began to hop up and down, causing his dishwater-blond hair to bob with his movements.
However, his enthusiasm disappeared as quick as it came up and the little blond's face creased into a scowl as he asked you yet another question.
"Are there also veggies in my lunch box?"

You giggled, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Yes, sweetie. You know that you have to eat them."

(s/n) grimaced, thinking about actually having to eat the vegetables.
"Do I really have to eat veggies?"

You just nodded your head.
"Yes, really."

Not satisfied at all, (s/n) tilted his head slightly to the side and looked at you with a confused expression on his face. Why he had to eat things he didn't like was beyond his understanding.

"Well, one day, you want to be as strong as daddy, don't you?"

The young boy exclaimed in a loud voice, nodding his head eagerly.

"Then you have to eat up all your veggies, so you'll grow up and become strong."

"Hmm...fine. But I still don't like 'em!"

"Thehe, I know that."
A triumphant smile appeared on you face upon hearing your son giving in. Just as you turned your attention back to the food you were making, you felt some tugging at your shirt and looked down, locking eyes with your kid.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Why are you just making two lunch boxes? Aren't you going to eat with me and daddy?"

You shook your head.
"Unfortunately, no."


"There are still a few things I have to take care of first - like cleaning or doing the laundry and the dishes."


You sighed secretly to yourself as you closed your eyes for a moment, pulling yourself together to keep up your composure. You loved your son more than anything else on the world, but he was slowly but surely getting on your nerves with all those questions.
Just as you were about to answer him, Link grabbed your little scamp from behind and started to slightly tickle him while holding him in a tight embrace.
"Maybe mommy would be able to join us for lunch, would a certain little monkey actually tidy up his room!"

Blooming Love (LoZ - Link x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now