Many little Links! (LoZ - Link x Pregnant?Reader)

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"Ow, ow, ow! It hurts so much!"
You rolled around in your bed, clutching your stomach with both your hands and hissed as yet another griping pain pierced through its pit.

Link, who was sitting beside your bed, sighed deeply before carefully removing your hands from your belly and starting to rub it in a gentle manner.
"There, there. Does this make it any better?"

You relaxed a little bit under the touch of his warm hand and gave him a small nod.
"Yeah. Thanks a lot, Link."

Glad that his actions were helping you to feel better, Link smiled warmly at you.
However, his expression quickly turned into a worried one as yet another sigh escaped his lips.
"You know, I really don't mind nursing you back to health whenever you're sick but don't you think you should stop eating Coro's soup? I've tried it before and I know how horrible it tastes, yet you keep wolfing it down as if it were the most delicious thing in the world. That's already the fifth time this month that his cooking caused you to have stomachache."

You groaned, furrowing your brows.
"I know...this nasty soup is the worst thing I've ever eaten...but every time I eat a bowl of it, Coro looks so happy. Telling him how awful his cooking tastes would shatter his world and I can't do that to him."
A sudden pang caused you to give a wince of pain by the time you had finished to speak and you coiled yourself up, trying to soften your pain that way.

"You are too nice for your own good."
Standing up, Link took your blanket and gingerly pulled it over your wincing form. You felt his warm hand caress your cheek before soft lips were pressed against your forehead.
"Try to rest a bit, will you? I'll come back and check up on you in a while, okay?"

You nodded your head silently, giving Link a weak smile before closing your eyes and slowly but surely drifting off into a wonderful dreamland.


Four days had passed and you didn't feel any better, to your dismiss. In contrary – you felt even worse.
You hadn't eaten anything at all and you'd also had to throw up a few times.
However, your stubbornness didn't allow you to keep staying in bed, even though your condition wished for it. And so you got up nonetheless, trying to ignore the persisting pain in your stomach as best you could.
You struggled to go down the stairs for what seemed like hours. In reality it had probably been only around five minutes but the way you had trudged it, clutching to the stair-rail to support your shivering figure, had sapped all your energy.
After finally arriving at the ground floor, you pulled yourself together and began to walk over to the kitchen, doing your best to cover up the fact that you were still feeling completely miserable.

"Hey, honey."
You tried to sound casual as you entered the kitchen and flashed the blond man, who was sitting at the diner table, a small smile.

Link stood immediately up upon hearing your voice and rushed over to you, a surprised but also worried expression on his face.
"How do you feel?"

Gritting your teeth, you forced yourself to give him yet another smile as you focused on disregarding the twinge in the lower part of your stomach.
"Great...yeah, everything's just fine."

Not quiet believing your words, Link put his hands on your shoulders and looked you intently in the eyes.
"Are you really sure that you're alright? You still look a little bit pale, you can go back to bed and lay down if you want to."

You shook your head. Going back to bed was the last thing you wanted to do now. You were tired of laying around and doing nothing all day long.
"Yeah. Yeah, don't worry. See? I'm perfectly fi- ARGH!"
Just as you wanted to proof your boyfriend that you weren't sick anymore by holding up your arms in a cheerful manner, a sharp pain pierced through your body which forced you to clasp your hands around your stomach as you felt with your knees on the ground.

Blooming Love (LoZ - Link x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now