III: The Bare Grounds of Gensokyo

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As Koishou got to the grounds of Gensokyo, the Moon has gone and the Sun has appeared. It appears it has been 2 hours after he went out The Palace of the Earth Spirits.

"Ah. Hello Mr. Sun!" Koishou yells and waves at the Sun as he sees it rise from the dark dawn.

Koishou stretches after a surprisingly successful attempt at getting out of the Fantastic Blowhole.


"GOOOOD MORNING GENSOKYO!", Koishou shouts out loud for the citezens of Gensokyo to hear.

It is now 6:45 AM, the stalls are opening and more people are crowding the place.

"Hmm, where should I go fiiirst...????? ", Koishou asked himself.


After a few minutes of walking around in a circle, Koishou finally knew where to go first.

"Ah! I should go to the Shrine Boy's place first! A-ah what was his name...??? Oh yeah, Reimu!"

Koishou immediately takes off, running as fast as he can to Reimu's shrine to save precious time.


Touhou REVERSE: Koishou's Subterranean DiscoveryWhere stories live. Discover now