V: Kourindou

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As Koishou manages to go down the stairs of Hakurei Shrine, he wonders where to go next since Reimu did give him a few places to check out.

"Hmm... Huh? A sign??"
Koishou mumbled to himself in a confused tone. That sign was not there earlier. Maybe someone put it there for marketing?

"Go visit now... Ko.. Rin... Do..???"
Koishou quietly mutters these words. He then realizes it's a shop that is near the Hakurei Shrine.

"I know where to go now!"
Koishou yells in a happy tone. He immediately runs off to the direction of Kourindou.


"Ah... Finally peace and quiet. Just me, my tea, and my music..."
A woman with white hair and black glasses mutters to herself as she drinks her tea.

That is Rinosuya Morichika.The owner of Kourindou, and a family friend of Mauricio Kirisame, well-known magician and friend of Reimu Hakurei.


"Ooh a customer?"
Rinosuya asks herself as she hears the bell of the door ring.

"Aughh.. Aughh"
A tired Koishou was opens the door, coughing and panting. He was running at full speed for 10 minutes just to get to Kourindou.

Rinosuya sees Koishou, a little surprised.

"Oh. How may I help you young man? "
Rinosuya politely asks to Koishou.

"C-Can I just get a chair to sit on for n-now..? The running was tough.."
Koishou responds to Rinosuya's question.

"Sure. The chairs are that way."
Rinosuya point to where the chairs are.

"Thanks. Really need a chair to sit on right now."
Koishou mumbled as he goes inside Kourindou to take a seat.


"Hmm.. That boy looks familiar to what Reimu said as one of his opponents at danmaku. Green hair, hat with feathers..."
Rinosuya tries to mark the points of Reimu's depiction of Koishou.

"Ah. It really is him. The younger brother of the hated Satoru Komeiji, founder of the Palace of the Earth Spirits."
Rinosuya says to himself before looking back at Koishou, who is drinking an entire bottle of water.

Koishou got up from the chair and started looking around Kourindou. Rinosuya didn't mind this and went back to drinking tea.

Koishou looks at each row of shelves, yet nothing seems to catch his eye.

Koishou looks at the last row of shelves, and finally, something catches his eye. A stuffed bear.

"It's cute. I like this"
Koishou says to himself and grins for a short span of time.

Koishou reaches out for his pocket to pay for the bear. He then realizes he didn't bring any money with him.

"Oh... What do I do..??"
Koishou says to himself as he panics. He didn't want to get caught of stealing, yet he didn't wanna let go of the bear.


After a few minutes, Koishou stepped out Kourindou, with the bear and unnoticed.

Koishou then went to a place he knew: The Human Village.


After a Koishou left, Rinosuya decided to check the shelves again.

"Good. Everything is in order. Nothing is mis-"
Rinosuya was alarmed. One of the stores items was missing!

"What!? How could have this happened I've checked here so many tim-"
Rinosuya panicked. Even stuffed toys were precious to her. Until, she had an idea on who took it.

"It was that boy.. H-he was here earlier.."
Rinosuya says with a clenched fist. She knew Koishou already left, therefore cannot get the stuffed bear back.


And at that exact time...


"Heeey, Rinosuya! How's it going?"
The well-known magician of black and white, Mauricio Kirisame, asks.

"Mauricio, can you do me a favor? Can you hunt down a little guy who  has green hair and a third eye?"
Rinosuya politely asks.

"Uhm.. S-sure! Do you want him back here dead or ali-"
Mauricio was cut off before he could finish his sentence

"Alive of course. I'm no psychopath."
Rinosuya immediately replied.

"A-Alright! Will do!"
Mauricio says as he leave Kourindou, hunting down Koishou.


Touhou REVERSE: Koishou's Subterranean DiscoveryWhere stories live. Discover now