VI: Sanzu River

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As Koishou wanders around Gensokyo with his stuffed bear, he finds an odd yellow path.

"Huh? Why is this path not brown like the other paths? And why is it covered in flowers..???"
These questions peaked Koishou's curiosity, enough for him to follow the flowering path.

Koishou followed the path until he reached the end and was surprised.

"Huh? It's not a flowery garden?"
Koishou asked himself. At the end of the path was dock and a river, and not a blossoming garden.

Koishou suddenly wanted to know more about this mysterious river. He felt like it wasn't a normal river. He ran to the side of a river, finding someone he could question.


"Gghh, where could this boy be??"
Mauricio asked himself as he flew around his broom that his father passed down to him.

Mauricio eventually ended up in the Hakurei Shrine in search in trying to find Koishou.

"What do you want this time, Mauricio??"
Reimu asked with an annoyed expression on his face, he does not want to be bothered by Mauricio.

"I'm doing a favor for Rinosuya, have you seen a boy with green hair?"
Mauricio asked in a fast tone.

".. That doesn't really narrow it down. There's a lot of green-heads in Gensokyo it's hard to tell-"
Reimu was suddenly cut off.

"AH! Wait! I remember Rinosuya saying that the boy had a third eye!"
Mauricio suddenly says. He forgot that Rinosuya said that the boy had a third eye.

"A third eye... Yeah. He was here earlier at the Hakurei Shrine."
Reimu muttered.

"Huh??!? He was here earlier?? But why??!"
Mauricio was confused on why the boy would go to the Hakurei Shrine, knowing that youkai get beaten up by Reimu.

"Nothing much. He apparently just wanted to hang out. I made up a fake excuse and he bought it, he then asked for some places he could go " hang out" and I gave him a few examples. Did he go to Kourindou?"
Reimu asked Mauricio.

"So, you sent him there!?! Also, yes, he did go to Kourindou."
Mauricio replies, framing Reimu to why the boy was there in the first place.

"Huh? No. I only told him a few places like the Human Village. I didn't know he'd go to Kourindou. Also why did Rinosuya ask you a favor? Did he do something?"
Reimu said, confused. He doesn't understand the situation.

"Yeah. Apparently he stole something from Kourindou before Rinosuya could've noticed. It was a stuffed bear. I think Rinosuya was planning to take it to the Myouren Temple and give it to a few behaved children."
Mauricio replied with a handful of information.

"Geez, all that for a stuffed bear? Good luck trying to find him, I guess."
Reimu muttered.

".. Do you know anyone who could put up wanted posters around Gensokyo?"
Mauricio asked in a soft tone.

"Huh? Are you making this a criminal case? But eh, I guess you could just report him to Eiko."
Reimu replied.

"Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be off to find the boy!"
Mauricio yelled as he went off flying, finding the boy.


Koishou was panting, he spent 10 minutes trying to find someone near the river to ask.

He was near to giving up, until he saw a boat. He looked a little closer and saw a person, sleeping peacefully.

"HEY! Can you hear me?"
Koishou shouts loudly. He wants to ask the person a question, but first he has to wake them up.

The person did not reply, they were still sleeping.

Koishou tried numerous times to wake then up, but to no avail.

Until he had enough. He decided he'd go there himself.

Koishou decided to swim in the cold, wuthering water just to ask the person on a boat. Everything was going well until the flow of the water suddenly changed. It went from an elegant, gentle flow to a beastly, hardcore flow.

Koishou lost his balance. The flow was too strong. Until he would eventually get carried by the water.

"Auugh.. Ah! HELP!"
Koishou screamed for help as his body was getting flown away by the gushing waves. All he could do was hold the pebbles that were under the water and scream for help.

"Huh... What..? OH MY GOD-"
The person on the boat woke up after a "quick" nap, he had been woken up by Koishou's screams for help. He then looked behind him to see Koishou holding the pebbles for dear life.

The man says as he rows his boat at full speed, trying to save ones life and not get lectured by Eiko.

He manages to get close to Koishou and pull him in the boat. As he helps Koishou climb up the boat, he remembers that him and Eiko have a certain topic to discuss, yet he couldn't just leave the boy there, so he decided to take Koishou with him.

"Soo... Who are you and why we're you trying to swim in the Sanzu River?"
The man with red hair asked Koishou, wondering what purpose he was there for.

"My names Koishou Komeiji! I was trying to find someone to ask about this river, and I found you sleeping. You wouldn't wake up when I was screaming "hey" over and over. So I decided to try and go to you.. you know how the rest goes. What about you? Who are you and why are you here?"
Koishou energetically replies.

"Oh, me? I'm Komaizo Onozuka. Im a shinigami, I ferry souls across this river. A "reaper" like some might say."
Komaizo replies.

"Ohh.. So you collect souls?"
Koishou asks, as he's not familiar by the word "ferry".

"Yes. And I send them to the Yama, or judge."
Komaizo replies as he tries to not spill any information on Eiko.

"Ooh! Can I meet the Yama?"
Koishou asks, looking all excited.

"Sure. I have a meeting with him today, so, I can take you there."
Komaizo replies back. He wonders what Eiko's reaction will be once Koishou gets there.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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