Chapter Forty-Five

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I'm coming for my woman.

No one would protect her and the twins as ruthlessly as he would. No one would stand a chance against Nadine. She wouldn't stop until she had his attention.

Well I'm listening now.

He portal jumped as far as he could get, cursing to see Claudio had a barrier up, protecting the castle.

Ronan stood at the bottom of the maze, leading up. He'd heard about this sacred landmark before, only he'd never had a need to brave it until now.

It was said that only an inferno demon could truly navigate this maze without guidance. All others to try had gotten lost somewhere in the middle. Stuck and unable to find their way out, they perished, their bodies found weeks later by guards.

But not Ronan. He'd once told his woman he'd move the world for her, come hell and high water.

He'd take any threat the world had to throw at him now.

Nothing would stop him from getting to her.

He cracked his knuckles at the maze's base.

By now, they'd have sensed his magic. His presence.

The allies weren't going to let him anywhere near her. Which meant he'd have to take her. She could choose to leave him after this was over with, but not until he'd pleaded his case. Not until she saw he was willing to change.

Which was exactly why he'd be braving this threat without his dark magic. How to get to his prize without harming any of the allies? Hurting one of them had landed him in a world of shit last time. With Rosa, he wouldn't take his chances again.

She'd given him an impossible task. But he'd do it. He'd do anything for her.

This place would be crawling with fire demons. Anything the allies called upon to keep Nadine out.

And I'll be facing them all with no defences.

If she didn't believe his love for her by the end of this...

Warlocks appeared around him, the fruit of his dark magic's creation. But they'd wield no magic in this fight.

The scare factor would have to do. If he could keep the allies distracted, then he could slip past. Or at least get around them that little bit easier.

Mind set, he lifted his hood.

Three fire demons were ready and waiting as the warlocks entered the maze.

The blonde woman carried a sword, the two men had axes. They took in the vastness of Ronan's army with fear. Still, their shoulders squared, ready to fight.

Their loyalty was astounding.

They'd take these odds without question?

He'd seen this motley crew before but couldn't place where he knew them from.

"You've reached the end of your journey," The woman announced, a fire blazing in her hand. Ronan had to give it to her—her voice didn't shake nor waver, not even in the face of certain death. "You have no business here. Go home. Turn away. You're done. It's over."

One of the men took a step forwards, seconding, "Come any closer, and you'll be charged and challenged for your crimes against the Inferno demons."

And the final one, "Take another step closer. I dare you. I'll fuck you up for my boy Caspian."

So this was Caspian's crew of demon mercenaries, here to fight for their King.

Ronan gestured forward with a flick of his fingers. The warlocks charged.

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