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Flashback- Continuance of previous chapter!


Hours later, after playing with the animals and enjoying the tranquility of the farm, it was starting to sink in that it was probably time for me to leave. I packed up my things in the guest room, folding my clothes from the previous night into a bag. With a sigh, I stepped out of the room, only to find Kelis sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine.

She looked up and noticed me with all my things. "Where you going, Crystal?"

I gave her a small smile, feeling a mix of gratitude and reluctance. "Hey, Kelis. I really appreciate you letting me stay, and I don't want to overstay my welcome, so I'm going to head home."

Kelis frowned slightly and stood up. "You're not overstaying anything, Crystal. You're welcome here as long as you need. Are you sure you're ready to leave?"

I hesitated, feeling torn. "I don't want to impose. You've already done so much for me."

Kelis walked over and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's no imposition at all. Honestly, it's been nice having you here. And from what I've seen, you could use a little more time to unwind. Why don't you stay for dinner? We can make it a nice, relaxing evening."

I looked around, feeling the warmth and comfort of her home. It had been a long time since I'd felt this welcomed and at peace. "Dinner sounds nice," I admitted, feeling a bit relieved. "Thank you, Kelis. I really needed this."

She smiled warmly. "Great. How about we go sit outside for a bit? The sunset is beautiful from the porch."

We walked out to the porch and settled into the chairs, watching the sky change colors as the sun dipped below the horizon. The kids were still playing in the yard, their laughter echoing softly.

"Your place is really something special," I said, taking in the serene view.

"It's home," Kelis replied with a content smile. "I'm glad you're here to share it with us, even if just for a little while."

As we sat there, the evening air cooling around us, I felt a sense of belonging I hadn't felt in a long time. Maybe staying a bit longer wasn't such a bad idea after all.



Back at home, everything felt different

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Back at home, everything felt different. The days dragged on, and the nights seemed lonelier than before. The warmth and comfort of Kelis's farm felt like a distant memory, even though it had only been a few days. I tried to dive back into my routine, but everything felt off.

Sitting at my kitchen table, I scrolled through my phone, hoping for a distraction. Work emails, social media, news articles—none of it caught my interest. The silence of my apartment was almost deafening compared to the lively noise of Kelis's household.

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