7. 20 floors to go 🤍❤️✨

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Pressing his back to the wall of the elevator, Jeongin slid down, settling Seungmin in his lap while Chan pushed the button. 20 floors to go. And Seungmin hated elevators. He hated heights. But there was no other way.

For now though, apart from his racing breaths (which Jeongin hoped were just the effect of sprinting to get in here) he was quiet and calm in Jeongin's lap, with his caregiver's arms circled loosely around him.

Jeongin looked to Chan, who stood by the doors, as the elevator began chugging upward and the strange feeling of the floor coming out from under them kicked in. Then he looked back at Seungmin, whose head had strangely started to twitch. Warily and gently, Jeongin turned Seungmin's face toward himself with a hand on his cheek. His eyes were half-closed, face contorted. "Minnie, are you—"

Had Jeongin not mastered the art of self-control, he would've cursed loudly in front of his little.

Seungmin's body convulsed in his arms, and Jeongin watched, stunned, for a moment. No, no no no, he couldn't be having a seizure right now. The elevator's nauseating movements stalled and the ground felt steady under them again as the bell chimed.

He locked eyes with Chan, who immediately bent down to take Seungmin's seizing body from him while Jeongin jumped to his feet as the doors opened. Top floor. They just had to make it to the roof...

Footsteps were already crashing down the hallway toward them, meshing with metallic clanking. Guns. Lots of them. 

Chan, with Seungmin's involuntary flailing slowing him down, was falling behind, and the footsteps, the shouting, the clicking noises of guns being reloaded— they were all coming closer. But the door was right there! Heart beating out of his chest, exploding through his ears, Jeongin pushed himself harder than ever, bounding forward with burning lungs, until he was close enough to throw himself into the door.


It didn't budge. Bolted shut, even with all his bodyweight, it moved not an inch. Groaning, Jeongin clutched his shoulder— he might've broken something. But that wasn't important now because as he collapsed to the floor, panting and wheezing, he saw Chan behind him— wait a minute, that wasn't Chan, that was... Min Yoongi? But that didn't matter either because the point was he was swarmed, falling back into a sea of black-coated soldiers, and as he was kicked down to his knees, with a dozen guns pointed to his head he dropped—

"SEUNGMIN!" Jeongin screamed.

And Jeongin's eyes came open all at once. He sat up, heart still pounding, still racing. Cold sweat dripping down his back. But no splitting pain in his shoulder, just a little soreness from the bruise he'd given himself earlier when he clumsily miscalculated the width of the doorway.

Footsteps came pounding toward him again, but this time, Jeongin's bedroom door came open to reveal a concerned-looking Chan staring back at him.

The breath Jeongin had been holding finally spilled out; his panting began while Chan sighed, shuffled to his bedside and picked up a damp cloth from his nightstand.

Before wiping Jeongin's sweat, Chan calmly pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and cheeks. "Your fever's up," he announced.

As Chan opened a bottle of fever reducers and shook out the proper amount onto his palm, Jeongin's attention wandered to the door, where a fearfully pouting Seungmin had appeared, lingering cautiously.

Sighing in relief, Jeongin didn't even register the glass of water and pair of pills that Chan was trying to hand him. He just scrambled to kick off the blankets and scoot to the edge of the bed, arms extended wide toward his little.

Seungmin ran for him, barrelling into his chest and setting off a series of chest-heaving coughs. But that was fine— as long as his little one was okay.

"Daddy needs cuddles?" Seungmin whispered, his tiny voice precious and centering.

"Yeah, baby," Jeongin croaked, letting Seungmin slip from his grasp for a moment to crawl onto the bed with him. Maybe he was a bad caregiver, letting Seungmin near him while he was so sick. But he couldn't resist the immense comfort that it was to have Seungmin snuggling into his side as he laid back against the headboard, finally able to relax.

He accepted the pills from Chan at last, fighting to get them down his scratchy throat. And before Chan turned to leave...

"Chan hyung?" Jeongin mumbled, falling back into a sleepy haze.


Jeongin beckoned him closer to that he could whisper, "Seungmin doesn't have epilepsy, right?"

"What? No!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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