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T/W: Minor innuendo, disembodied voices and objects moving on their own.


"I can't believe Nolan Wright hasn't banned you from the paranormal society yet," Everly teases her friend, as she watches Avery put together the first segment of her latest blog.

"He's not such a bad guy once you get to know him," Avery replies absently.

Everly studies her friend. She notices how she's absently twirling her long hair around her finger, while staring dreamily at the computer screen.

"Oh my gosh!" Everly bolts upright. "You're crushing on him, aren't you?"

Avery starts, as though someone just shocked her with a prodding iron, falling back in her chair and glaring ferociously.

"I'm not," she declares hotly.

Everly starts giggling and can't stop. Oh, this was too juicy! Talk about a story worthy of being paranormal.

"You so are," Everly retorts.

"How the hell would you know? Are you some expert?" Avery snaps, irritated with herself for being so transparent.

"Only when it comes to my best friend," Everly replies, smiling mischievously.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Avery throws her hands up in the air, frustrated. "The truth is: I'm not even sure Nolan and I are all that compatible."

"Why do you say that?" Everly asks, her brow creased.

"When was I there, conducting the interviews, afterwards, Nolan was helping me with my equipment and we couldn't hardly think of anything to say to one another," Avery replies.

"That's just nerves," Everly comments wisely.

"I'm not as sure." Avery's head bows, her hands fluttering nervously in her lap.

"Has Nolan asked you anything personal?" Everly asks. Avery lifts her shoulders in a slight shrug, her gaze trained on the floor.

"Not really."

"Maybe he's shy," Everly suggests.

"Or maybe he's not interested," Avery retorts. She suddenly remembers Nolan asking to hang out. She decides not to disclose that information just yet.

"Can I meet him?" Everly asks abruptly, her dark eyes gleaming.

"Sure," Avery replies. "Although I wouldn't count on it being any time soon."

"As long as I get a chance," Everly says, that mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Now if you'd kindly get lost, I have work to do." Avery gives her best friend a pointed look. Everly stands up, placing her hands up, palms out, in surrender.

"I'm going, I'm going! I'll see you later!"

"Much later, I hope," Avery calls after her, to which Everly responds with wicked laughter.


Nolan steers the cargo van into Avery's driveway, honking the horn. He smiles as Avery exits her house, hurrying over to the van, where Lennox opens up the side door for her.

"Hey," Lennox greets Avery, grinning as she climbs into the back seat, closing the door behind her.

"Hey." Avery fastens her seat belt and Nolan slowly backs out of the driveway, heading down the street.

"Hope you're ready to stay up all night," Lennox says to Avery, still grinning.

"I'm not sure," Avery replies good-naturededly. "But I'll give it my best."

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