Chapter Ten

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"It looks like it's going to be a wild night!" Remo said as soon as me and Mia entered the club. Today was the grand opening of our club, Starry Night. Today was the day we had been waiting for so long. Everyone spent so many sleepless nights to make this dream come true, and here we are today. Sometimes you give your best to something, and when you get the fruit for it, it's still unbelievable. Yaksh whistled, checking out me and Mia from head to toe, making Mia laugh and me awkwardly chuckle.

The boys were all in tuxedos. Yaksh and Malik wore tuxedos that complimented each other. Whereas Remo was in classic maroon. Mia was wearing a black single-shoulder chain sequin-tight dress that came to her midthigh. She paired it with black open-toe platform heels, and she was looking so gorgeous in it that even I was unable to look away when I first saw her coming out of my bedroom.

"Someone's looking hot today!" Yaksh said, coming towards me and giving me a side hug. I smiled at him and tucked the loose strands that were falling on my face behind my ear.

Mia bought me this dress as a gift and forced me to wear it. It was a velvet tulip dress in midnight blue. It looked really stunning with the black stilettos, also forced on me by Mia. The attention and head turns I was getting today were way more than usual, which was a good thing but also made me afraid for my life, as it was a task to walk in these heels. I just hope everything goes smoothly today. Malik was there to ensure that, so he got busy with the security work. We soon started having guests, and everyone got busy socialising, but my eyes were only searching for him in the crowd.

It's been two months since I first met Kairav. I know it's not a long time ago, but it feels like it. After that incident in the park, I thought it'd be awkward between us, but that never happened. He used to come to the site every day, although it was not needed for him to do so as an investor, just like I did, although my work was mostly online. Because somewhere, Starry Night was like a baby to our team, and soon it became a shared dream for Kairav too. Everyone on the team helped in more ways than just what they were supposed to do. When Kairav said he'd send a set of workers, we didn't expect a whole crew, including a supervisor. That made our workload lighter. Mia and Gaurav were always bickering. I thought Mia took a liking to him at the first meeting, but I don't know what went down after that. They were so opposite, but both of them had a nag for parties, which led to us having many get-togethers outside of work hours too.

Kairav and I meet in the park every Sunday, which has become a regular thing. His hotel was not that far away from my place. He told me he was not originally from here, so he felt there was no point in buying a house. He came to the park to run every Sunday and sat with me, our fingers touching each other subtly and our eyes lost in each other while talking about random things, but that often made us lose track of the time. I was shocked by the fact that Kalu allowed him to be so near me. But again, it was a public place; maybe that's why. Because I don't think he'll be fine with Kairav coming over. Why am I thinking of him coming over, though?

(Please tell me because you are finally ready to get some action.)

"No, I don't have anything of that sort in mind. Okay, maybe I like being with him a lot. He makes me feel different. Maybe I like to flirt with him just for fun, but nothing more than that," I replied in my head.

Oh, shut up. I am you, so I know all about the thoughts that play in your mind when he's nearby. And when was the last time you liked flirting with someone? How do you check him out whenever you are in the same room with him? (How bad do you want him to kiss you and do all sorts of things to you?)

"You have gone completely insane. No, no, I have gone completely insane because I'm wasting time talking to myself now." I thought.

"Oh finally! The princes decided to show up at this small event for us commoners. Mia's taunting voice got me out of my mind.

"Hahaha, very funny, Mia-chia. For your information, it's called being fashionably late." Gaurav replied as he came and stood with the team. My eyes started looking for Kairav when Gaurav cleared his throat and looked at me.

"What?" I was not ready to admit that he just caught me right there. From these past couple of months, I figured out one thing: Gaurav was not just a secretary; he was Kairav's best friend. I often saw him teasing Kairav about someone. But who she was, I don't know.

"Nothing. He is coming in a few minutes, so wait for him some more. No need to get all agitated." He said it with a smirk.

"Who are you talking about? I was just looking for the waiter to take my empty glass." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear and laughing nervously.

"May I bring you your next drink then, my lady?" A deep voice spoke from behind me. 

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