Chapter Fifteen

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"You don't understand, master! I can't do this to a little girl," a voice said.

"I didn't ask you! I am telling you, you better do this or else it won't be good for your own family." Another voice, which had some authority to it, replied. It was pitch-black where I was. The place was swaying from time to time, just like any ship would. It felt like a storm was going on outside. I could hear the oceanic waves violently hitting the sides of the ship.

"No, no, please don't do anything to my family! But how can I do this, master? She's just a little girl! She's unknown to all the happenings and won't even remember any of them once she wakes up. She's harmless; throwing her into the water would be killing an innocent soul!" the first voice pleaded.

"Fine! Take her to Thulcandra, and you better leave her somewhere where no one can find her, or it won't be good for your entire clan!" The other voice thundered.

I opened my eyes. What was that? The last thing I know is Kalil suggesting I take some rest, as it was going to take some more hours to reach Porta. Why is this ship swaying so much? Just like it was in the dream. What kind of dream was that? I sat up from where I was sleeping on a small bed. I was sweating like a pig, although it was freezing cold.

"Are you okay in there?" Azlan asked from the cabin's entrance.

"Yeah, yeah..." I replied, "Why's the ship swaying so much?"

"I would have shown you, but you'll get scared." Azlan said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Believe me, I feel like my mind is so accustomed to strange things, for example, you guys, that I can take on anything. Besides, I don't get scared that easily!" I said it boastingly.

"You realise, I'm the same dog who used to live with you in the same apartment. I have seen you jumping on the kitchen island just by watching a cockroach on the TV!" he replied while laughing.

"Oh, shut up! Cockroaches are scary beings, okay?" I said, folding my hands and pouting a little.

"Oh yeah, and Aireths are not?" He asked, folding his hands too.

"At least the ones I have come across are not! Now keep quiet and show me what you were talking about." I said, getting up from the bed and pushing him a little while going out of the small cabin room. The next moment, he was way ahead of me, standing at least ten steps ahead, smirking. "How did you do that? How did you go from behind me to there so fast?" I asked him, flabbergasted by what he just did.

He shrugged and said, "Pivots of being an Aireth! See you on the dock!" and he took off in that direction.

Once I reached the dock, the scene before me instilled a knot of fear in my stomach. A large storm was approaching our boat. The ocean, which felt soothing and calm before, now seemed angry. Its waves crashed loudly against the boat, once again swaying the boat. The sky had now turned dark and scary, with clouds swirling around like monsters in a nightmare. It felt like the storm was talking to me, warning me to be afraid. The air tasted salty and heavy, making it hard to breathe. With each second, the storm got closer, and my heart raced faster. Lightning lit up the sky, making me jump with its flash. Thunder boomed so loudly that it felt like the ship might break apart.

"I thought you could take on anything." Azlan asked me after seeing my expressions with a smirk on his face.

Before I could say anything, Kalil's voice came from behind: "It's not funny, you dumbass! I told you to check on her, not bring her here and scare her!" He was shouting against the howling of the wind.

He came and hugged me, turning my face towards his chest, making me close my eyes in the process, and keeping his hands on my ears. But that didn't stop my body from jumping because of the thunder. "Let's get you inside first," he mumbled.

Once we were inside the same small cabin room where I was sleeping, Kabeer handed me a big fluffy towel. Kalil helped me wrap it around myself. "What were you thinking going out there with this dumbass?" he asked me, to which Azlan protested, "Hey! I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. Besides, it's all magic!"

"Magic?" I was confused.

"Yeah, this is kind of an entrance to our realm," Kabeer explained. "Porta is an actual gateway to Oasis, but this magical storm is something that keeps humans away from entering the island itself. This is all magic, just to scare humans. You won't even feel anything if the lightning strikes you.After seeing my expressions, he added, "It won't, though. You aren't even feeling the full force of it, just like us. Maybe because of the locket you are wearing."

"Also, maybe because you are Kalil's soulmate." Azlan added, to which I blushed. All of it was still new for me. I saw Kalil watching me from my side.

"Okay, we don't want any PDA now; time to leave!" Azlan exclaimed in the room.

Once they were out of the cabin, Kalil started coming towards me after locking the door. I took a step back and was met with the wall. He came really close to me, keeping his hands on both sides of me. His forehead touched mine, and his breaths mingled with mine. "You have no idea how hard it's been to stay so near you every day yet so far," he started whispering, "how much this body of yours called for me, how much I wanted to do this..." and his lips touched mine.

He put some of his weight on me, locking me to the spot against the wall. His lips felt so soft against mine. Soft yet firm, with a message that I was his and he was mine. We started off gently, but it soon turned heated. Our tongues started exploring each other's mouths, in between which someone knocked on the door, making Kalil groan. "I can't wait to have you all by myself, love," he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. He pecked me and said, smiling gently and seeing my flushed face, "But it seems like it'll be a while before that happens. We must have reached. There are clothes in the drawer over there; please change and come outside once you are ready."

I did as asked. There was only one dress and a pair of heels in that drawer, along with a set of innerwear. It was a plain black strapless, flowy gown. I freshened up in the adjoining washroom that was there, changed, and went outside on the dock. All three men were in black suits, almost identical; Kalil's looked more regal, maybe because he was a prince and now the king. I turned my eyes towards the scenery behind them, which left me speechless.

Porta was a small island, but it looked magical in itself. The clouds were like a blanket over the island and covered the entirety of the sky. They were covered in all sorts of colours that got reflected in the clear water and were still below. There was not even one wave or any moment of the water below. How's that even possible?! The only mountain that was there on the island had a giant tube-like thing on top of it. It was a current of light similar to the sea currents that we have on earth. This current went into the clouds; it must be the gateway to their realm.

Soon we got down from the boat onto that same still water, which carved a way for us to split into two parts on both sides. We started walking towards a giant cave, which was very visible from here. Azlan was walking forward with a fire torch in his hand, and Kabeer was at the back of me and Kalil. When we were a lot deeper into the cave, Azlan kept the light torch that was in his hand inside a cabinet in the cave's wall. Which opened a gate to a room, and a very bright light came inside the cave. We entered the room, which had no roof. When I looked up, I was unable to keep my eyes open. I guessed it must be the tube-like structure that I saw earlier.

"Umm, guys, how are we going to go from here?" I asked, seeing that there was no way out of this room other than the roof.

"We fly," they collectively replied, grinning. 

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