3: The Cattle Drive.

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A/n: new chapter!! Enjoy!!

"We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island. Claws... Teeth... Screaming... So much screaming." Darius tells the story, his hood of his jacket over his head.

We're all sitting around the fire, everyone, but Yasmina. I don't really care what she does, she seems to like being on her own and i respect that. There is a fire crackling in front of us, sitting on benches around it.

Sammy is hunched and pulls her legs against her chest at the story, Kenji seems to be intrigued by the story and leaning forward to listen closely, while Ben, sweet scaredy-cat Ben, leans against Kenji and holds his arm in fear. While Brooklynn is between Kenji and Sammy, recording the story.

I sit between Ben and Darius, trying to teach my newborn compys a couple of tricks. My arm from this afternoon still hurting like i had dislocated it again.

"How much screaming?" Ben seems to ask, inching closer to Kenji.

Who doesn't want anyone interrupting the story. "Shh! He's getting to the good part." He tells Ben, trying to keep him quiet.

I'm not really listening, maybe that's because i am too busy with Raven, Persephone and Beasty. Teaching them the trick of sit, i know, i'm training them like puppies but so are Nibble and Nugget. I like it that way, they can follow simple commands.

"The T. rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide..." Darius continues with his story, trying to make it sound scary.

Just as he is about to continue with the story, a flits flickers in his face. Interrupting him as Brooklynn takes a picture of him. Which breaks everyone's concentration for the story, and turn to loom at the pink haired girl. Persephone hisses at the other side of the campfire, hating the flash.

"What? Huh?" Kenji asks as he looks dazed at Brooklynn.

"For the vlog." She simply answers them. "Keep telling your little story."

Darius sighs, having thrown off his hood when Brooklynn interrupted him, he throws it back over his head. And this is why i started training my compys instead of listening, anyways, i managed to learn them to fetch.

"Oh, here we go." Kenji says in anticipation.

"The T. rex sta—..." Darius begins again, but gets interrupted again.

"Dang!" Brooklynn says, looking at her phone having ruined the story mood for the second time.

"Ugh!" Kenji says, bending forwards to lean with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. Annoyed at the interruption.

"Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on." Brooklynn apologises and Darius throws his hood of his head again. Looking done with the story telling. Which i can understand. "I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?"

She starts to show the photo to Sammy, who seems to he interested in it. I'm disliking this girl less and less, right now. That stupid phone, why does she need to record everything?

"Ooh!" Sammy says as she looks at the screen, probably with a selfie of Brooklynn on everest.

"Maybe I should start over." Darius says, trying to put his hood back on to start the story from the beginning.

"No!" Ben shouts, startling both Raven and Beasty. "In fact, you can just stop."

"Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now, and how is your grip this strong?" Kenji tells Ben, but also tries to pry himself loose from Ben. Who holds on to him for dear life. Don't underestimate the strength of a scared person.

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