Chapter 42: Opening

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Y/n: Ymir, what're you doing here?

Ymir: I was captured, same as you. Seems we're both having a shit day.

Reiner: You can pin your injuries on me. I was in a bit of a hurry back there. 

Y/n: I hope you know I would've won if you didn't resort to underhanded tactics.

Reiner: I did what I had to do. I couldn't just let you beat me like that.

Ymir: You said you would talk once he woke up, so talk.

Reiner: We'll be taking you back to our home. Of course, I know neither of you will listen to us, but in case you haven't noticed, this place is crawling with Titans. We'll wait until nightfall before leaving. 

Ymir: Why didn't you run all the way to Maria? Did you get winded and have to stop for a break?

She said that last part in a mocking tone. I smirked on the inside but remained silent outside.

Reiner: Use your imagination.

Given the situation, I had a few options. None of which were all that viable. I could try to transform and run away but there was no telling if I'd be at full strength or not. I could also wait until their guard was down and my strength was back, transforming and potentially taking them both out in the blast. However, they probably realized the same thing I did and that was that they wouldn't just let me gain an advantage over them. As I was thinking about this, I suddenly remembered something else. When Bertholdt had fallen on top of us, I remember feeling a wave of scorching steam right before I blacked out. Supposing it sent out a blast of sorts, the odds of my comrades getting caught in it were high. Did that mean they were dead? The thought of seeing their scorched bodies scared me and nothing scared me these days.

Ymir: The Titans at the castle moved at night. What's stopping these?

Reiner: These ones cant move after dark. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Y/n: What is he talking about?

She ignored me and stared at Reiner instead. During our three years of training, I always found Ymir harder to read than everyone else. It seemed like she was hiding something and I'd wracked my brain to figure out what it was. It must've been her Titan ability, but she didn't seem caught off guard about it like I was.

Ymir: You got any water? Im parched.

Reiner: Sorry, no can do. Speaking of which, we've been working our asses off ever since those Titans showed up without any reprieve. It's ridiculous. We better get compensation for all this trouble. Maybe a promotion too.

Bertholdt: What the hell?

Reiner: What? That's not too much to ask, is it? God knows we've done our share of heavy lifting all things considered. I mean, I get that we're soldiers and duty comes first, it would just be nice to be acknowledged for our hard work sometimes. You know?

Ymir: D'you bang your head or something? What are you talking about?

Reiner: I'm not saying we storm in and demand the rank of captain or whatever. Something like corporal or even sergeant would be fine. I mean, Y/n got to enlist early and as an officer. Talk about luck.

Y/n: It wasn't luck and you know it. Stop trying to act like you're still one of us.

Reiner: Where'd you find that cannon? I owe you one for saving my ass back there. I'm grateful that Krista helped bandage my injuries too. Who knows, maybe me and her will become a thing after all this is over.

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