Part one

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Ghost was strict, collected, quiet. He saw everything, noticed everything.

But when it came to you, it was even worse.
Barely listening to you whenever you had questions or ideas, not even looking at you whenever you walked past him.

It seemed as though he couldn't stand you.

At least it was what you thought, when he called you to his office on a random evening, after a long training session.

His eyes pierced through yours, not a single sound coming out of his mouth as he sat down.

You wondered what you had done wrong, or not done at all.

The silence in the room was deafening, almost too much to bear, as you feared your heartbeat would start echoing through the walls.

You thought he wouldn't notice ?

"You were late." Three simple words that made your heart beat even faster.

"I apologize sir, I didn't see the time." What a bad liar you were, you thought he didn't know?

"Didn't see the time.." his voice sounded sterner than usual, you knew he wasn't stupid. But what could you say ?

"And he didn't either I suppose?" You could have sworn your heart had stopped beating for a second.

You thought he wouldn't find out.

"I am sorry sir but-"

"Dismissed." Your jaw tightened, embarrassment and shame washed over you.

You walked out in silence, not able to even glance at him.

How could you think he wouldn't find out ?

The hallway were silent, too silent even.
You felt trapped in your own mind, unable to find a way out.

The silence didn't help, as if the universe was doing this on purpose, to punish you for being a bad liar.

You felt so stupid; he was not fond of you already, and you made it worse.

You collapsed on your bed, hoping this would pass, hoping he would forget. You knew you most probably were in trouble.

He wasn't the kind to forget so easily.

Fortunately you fell asleep quickly. Finally able to stop torturing your soul with uncontrollable thoughts.

He certainly was not as lucky as you were. Wide awake, your scent lingered in his office. If he stepped out, it'd mean being unable to smell you.

He should punish you for being such a liar, or maybe he should get rid of him.

He was still hesitating.

Your perfume prevented his tidy mind to function properly;
He hated you.

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