Part seven

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It was such a tiny line that Ghost might have been confusing the two of them.

Maybe his definition of love was as perverted as his mind.

Or maybe he did it on purpose; holding your hand and letting you in his heaven, only to deprive you of it all right after.

Either way, his games with you started to get under your skin. In a bad way.

You wouldn't crawl back to him like a desperate puppy craving for attention this time.

You ignored him.

You stopped the late night walks, stopped training longer than you should just to talk to him.

He noticed everything.

He thought he had made it clear enough.

However, the way your delicate fingers brushed against his arm made him think you didn't learn your lesson.

It wasn't his fault if only he deserved your sacred touch.

He followed him through the dark, in the middle of the night. Beating him until he was a motionless heap on the floor.

It wasn't his fault; only he deserved your attention after all.

Making your tea more tasty for the past few weeks wasn't his fault either; was it wrong to care for you ?

He simply wanted you to enjoy your life, as much as you could.

Oh well, it might have given you a few headaches and weird feelings, but it was the attention that mattered, right?

When you woke up the next morning, your eyes immediately laid upon the small piece of paper that laid just in front of your door.

'I'm sorry about how I acted with you princess, hope you can forgive me.'

That feeling you have been fighting against for the last week rose up in your chest; how could you not forgive him ?

And for the millionth time, you found yourself roaming the corridors; looking for him.

His office is the first place you thought you'd find him, but he wasn't there.

Ghost wasn't one to sleep in, he was the one to get up at painful hours in the morning.

It can wait, you thought as you headed to the training room. He wasn't there either.

Not that you were worried or anything. Well, maybe a little bit. But he was never the one to miss a training session.

Now that your eyes were in the process of searching, you also noticed your friend wasn't there.

What a weird coincidence...

Training felt like forever, and you couldn't have been more relieved when it finally came to an end.

It was only when you walked out that your gaze met his; butterflies.

You weren't angry anymore, and even if you wanted to be, it was an impossible mission after that note you woke up to.

"I missed you," you whispered as you walked past him.

He certainly had missed you too, even though he had been busy.

"So did I, love."

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