Chapter 6

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After a few nights of torment, Lu Lingxi miraculously adapted to the sound of snoring in the ward. After a good night's sleep, he got up early, thinking of going for a walk around the small garden at the back of the hospital.

As the largest hospital in Fengcheng, Fengcheng No. 1 Hospital was huge, consisting of several buildings such as the medical building, the outpatient building and the inpatient department, not to mention that the hospital had deliberately set aside a small garden at the back of the inpatient department as a place for patients to relax. This was Lu Lingxi's goal.

Yesterday he had already tested it out with the golden pothos in the hospital lobby and established that the mysterious white panel could display not only the chlorophytum he kept in the ward, but also other plants. He wanted to go to the garden to continue the experiment, but it was late afternoon and there were too many people in the garden, so he had to resist the idea for fear that someone would see his anomaly. Early this morning, before dawn, Lu Lingxi could not sleep and kept thinking about this matter. He vaguely felt that the white panel was like a plant detector, and he was the "plant doctor" holding the detector in his hand. This new identity gave him an unspeakable closeness to plants.

After a brief wash, Lu Lingxi dressed and made his way downstairs. It was July and the pansies in the small garden were in full bloom. The flowers of all colours were competing with each other, swaying slightly in the warm orange light of the sunrise, the vibrant colours making people feel suddenly cheerful.

When Lu Lingxi was a young son of the Lu family, he had once seen the family's gardener planting pansies in the corner of the garden. It was said that this flower was mostly a wildflower in Europe and was very popular among garden owners because it was easy to grow, had a high survival rate and a long flowering period. However, in the eyes of some professionals, pansies were too common to bother with. Lu Lingxi didn't think so. In his eyes, there was no difference between a wild petunia on the roadside and a famous orchid that the Lu family had bought for a large sum of money and carefully cultivated. They were both gifts from nature, how could there be superiors and inferiors among them?

As it was still early, there were not many people in the garden. When Lu Lingxi went there, there were only two elderly men in ordinary clothes squatting close to each other in front of the flower bed at the entrance to the garden, pointing at the pansies in bloom and saying something. Lu Lingxi listened casually to the two old men, who seemed to be the gardeners in charge of the small garden. Without paying too much attention, he found a flower bed close by, crouched down there like the old men and gently touched a pansy in front of him with his fingertips. The white panel appeared in the air and floated in front of him.

Plant name: Pansy
Plant needs: Fertiliser
Plant viability: High

The smile on Lu Lingxi's lips froze at the word "fertiliser" on the plant's requirements. Whether it was the chlorophytum or the golden pothos, all they needed was water. Lu Lingxi almost forgot that there were other things besides water that a plant needed to grow well. For example, light and fertiliser. But if watering was fine, what should he do with fertilisation? Lu Lingxi touched a few more pansies next to him, and all the plants needed to be fertilised. He was in a bit of a quandary; not to mention how to fertilise, but where would the fertiliser come from?

Lu Lingxi subconsciously looked at two old men who looked like gardeners not far away, and one of them, a slightly chubby, kind-looking old man, happened to stand up and affirm, "It lacks fertiliser a bit, we need to fertilise it again."

Lu Lingxi: "......"

After this old man finished, the other old man who looked very thin and tall also stood up and nodded. The two seemed to be men of action and soon brought a white plastic bucket and some tools from a small locked house in the corner of the garden. The slightly chubby old man opened the plastic bucket and poured out some brown pellets, diluting them with water and blending them very skilfully. The tall and thin old man picked up the water and adjusted the tools in his hands.

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