Chapter 10

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Wang Shuxiu didn't take Lu Lingxi's comment about working to support her seriously. She was still hoping that Lu Lingxi would go back to school. She had been struggling in society for many years and had suffered a lot because of her lack of education, so she hoped that Lu Lingxi would not follow the same path as she and Lu Yishui. Lu Lingxi was young now, but when he got old, he would know the pain of being uneducated.

After tidying up a little, Wang Shuxiu started cooking. Although Brother Feng's gang moved away the refrigerator, the other kitchenware was basically untouched. Wang Shuxiu looked through it and found some vegetables and meat, enough for her and Lu Lingxi to have a couple of meals.

"Are you hungry? I'll cook right away, you go back inside and lie down for a while." Wang Shuxiu was worried that Lu Lingxi had just been discharged from the hospital and that his body would not be able to bear the hardships, so she rushed him to rest.

Lu Lingxi was fine. He wanted to stay and help, but he hadn't ever been in the kitchen. Knowing that he would just be in the way if he stayed, Lu Lingxi obediently retreated and continued to clean up the house.

The place was not very big, a small two-bedroom apartment. Because it was an older type of house, the bedrooms were quite large, but the living room was tiny. As the two bedrooms faced north and south, the living room that was squeezed in the middle had no windows and appeared somewhat dark.

Wang Shuxiu had already tidied up the living room briefly, and apart from the lack of appliances, it was not really a mess, so Lu Lingxi focused on his "own" room. The original owner of this body seemed to be an avid heavy metal fan, and the whole room was decorated in a very dark and gloomy style. The walls were covered with all sorts of weird posters that Lu Lingxi didn't recognise, and the clothes in the wardrobe were just like the ones Yi Hang and the others wore last time, either printed with skeletons or tattered and torn.

Before dinner, Lu Lingxi tore down all the posters on the walls, packed and sealed all the original owner's CDs, and divided the clothes in his wardrobe into two piles according to what he could and could not wear. Lu Lingxi did not intend to throw away all these things of the original owner, but wanted to keep them as a memento. He knew that this idea was ridiculous, but he always felt that he had taken over the original owner's body and even if everyone around him was used to his new appearance and had forgotten what the original owner was like, he should not forget it.

When Wang Shuxiu called him to eat, Lu Lingxi had already tidied up everything. The whole room was clean and fresh, and all the extra things had been packed up and piled up in the corner. The lunch for mother and son was very simple. Wang Shuxiu made stir-fried pork with garlic shoots and eggs with tomatoes, accompanied by steamed soft rice. Although it didn't look rich, it aroused Lu Lingxi's appetite.

Only after eating two bowls in a row did Lu Lingxi stop. Wang Shuxiu kept giving him meat, instructing him, "Eat more." Seeing that Lu Lingxi had almost finished eating, Wang Shuxiu mentioned what Sister Tian had said earlier. "Mom will leave you some money. Take a nap this afternoon. When you wake up, go find Yi Hang and ask him to take you out for a walk. If you see a bookstore, buy a few high school books, and in a few days we'll enroll you in a study class to catch up on the previous ones, so you don't start school without knowing anything." Wang Shuxiu had the final word, apparently already decided on this matter.

Lu Lingxi was silent for a few seconds and then said, "I don't want to go to school, I want to go to work."

"Little bastard, you still want to make a fuss!" Wang Shuxiu threw down her chopsticks and raised her eyebrows, "I have the final say in this matter."

She was full of momentum, but Lu Lingxi still refused to relent, "I don't want to go to school, I want to work."

"Little bastard, you..." Wang Shuxiu habitually wanted to slap Lu Lingxi on the head, but halfway through the motion she met Lu Lingxi's eyes and couldn't slap him. "This matter is not negotiable, you must go to school," Wang Shuxiu said bitterly.

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