Chapter 8

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Plant name: Large-leaved golden pothos
Plant needs: None
Plant viability: High
Near the main entrance on the ground floor of the inpatient department, Lu Lingxi did not touch the leaves of the golden pothos as usual, but deliberately stood a little farther away to conduct a mental scan. As with the chlorophytum last night, the golden pothos within three metres behind him not only appeared clearly in his mind, but also on the white panel. Lu Lingxi excitedly circled the lobby, and as pots of golden pothos appeared in his mind, the joy of the panel upgrade finally became real.

After testing all the golden pothos, Lu Lingxi was about to return to the ward when two staff members dressed in hospital logistics style uniforms stopped in front of the pot of golden pothos not far away.
"Lao Wang, look at this plant, do you think it looks better than the other pots?"

"It seems to be a bit, it feels taller than the other pots."

"Not only is it taller, but the colour looks better than the others too. Look at these green leaves, the markings on them are clearly distinguishable. How can the other pots compare?"

"It does look different, but why? We water and look after them the same."
"I wonder too, I thought it was a bit different last time, but the difference wasn't so obvious then."

The golden pothos they were talking about was the same one that Lu Lingxi had watered. Lu Lingxi didn't listen any further when he heard this. It was really not his illusion, whether it was the golden pothos or the chlorophytum on the windowsill, the ones he had taken care of seemed to grow better. He remembered that the last time he watered the garden with Elder Zhang, the old man had jokingly mentioned that the pansies in the flower beds that Lu Lingxi had fertilised were blooming particularly well, while the others were a little less so. Lu Lingxi didn't see the difference after looking at them for a long time and it was hard to tell whether what Elder Zhang said was true or just an encouragement to him. Now with the addition of this pot of golden pothos, there seems to be no more doubt about this issue. Lu Lingxi was sure that it was all connected to the white panel.

Lu Lingxi walked all the way back to the ward deep in thought when the attending doctor, Chen Zhu, stopped him in the corridor.
"Xiao Lu, come here for a moment."

"Dr. Chen?"

He obediently followed the doctor into the office, and Chen Zhu fished out Lu Lingxi's yesterday examination report from the pile of documents on his desk and gently pointed it out to him.

"Xiao Lu, your examination report is out. Except for the problem of amnesia, you have recovered well, and according to your health condition, you can almost be discharged. You should discuss it with your mother to see if you should be discharged now or stay for a few more days to continue checking the problem of amnesia."

As soon as Chen Zhu said that, Lu Lingxi replied, "Dr. Chen, I want to be discharged."

"Discharged?" Chen Zhu pondered for a moment, "Discharge is fine, but Xiao Lu, you'd better discuss it with your mother."

According to Lu Lingxi's examination report, Lu Lingxi's health fully met the requirements for discharge. Under normal circumstances, the hospital would not stop a patient from requesting to be discharged, but Lu Lingxi's situation was different. After all, Lu Lingxi had just turned 18 and was still a child in Chen Zhu's eyes, so it was best for his parents to decide whether he should be discharged or not.

Lu Lingxi knew Chen Zhu's concerns, but he still wanted to insist.
"Dr. Chen, my body is fine, and my amnesia does not affect my life, you see..."

Lu Lingxi's eyes were pleading; he knew his condition, memory loss was not a problem at all. But Wang Shuxiu has always only listened to doctors. If Dr. Chen mentioned amnesia, Wang Shuxiu would definitely keep him in the hospital for a few more days. When he was in the Lu family, he had never thought about hospital fees or medical expenses, and the Lu family was not short of money at all. But this time when he was hospitalised, he watched Wang Shuxiu work so hard and realised the importance of money for the first time. He was really fine and didn't want Wang Shuxiu to spend more money than necessary.

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