Chapter Eight: Dead of Night

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Kor's eyes fluttered open again, and he jolted upright, his body still sore but noticeably improved. The room was now lit only by candlelight, and Tephelle was asleep in the chair, her feet propped on a stool. Kor's mind raced as he realized it was nightfall. How could they let night fall before going to find Aphid?! Kor felt a surge of anger.

"Miss Tephelle!" he exclaimed, "Miss Tephelle, it's night!"

Tephelle stirred, rubbing her eyes. "Yes, little one, I know. It was already close to evening when they brought us in, and-"

But Kor was already in motion, jumping from the bed and tying Aphid's blanket around his waist. Did they not care?! He made a beeline for the door. "We gotta get Aphid!" he insisted, evading Tephelle's outstretched hand.

As he flung open the bedroom door, which led directly into the main room, Kor made a dash for the front door. But before he could reach it, a firm grip caught him.

"Kor!" Dahni's voice was stern, and his grip was unrelenting. "No!"

Kor's attention snapped to Dahni, who was partially hanging off the padded bench, his position a result to how quickly he had reacted. But it was Dahni's face that held Kor's shock. Half of his face was still swollen and darkly discolored, dark even for a Dark Elf, with a bandage covering most of the affected area. Yet, even with the covering, Kor could see the laceration from the giant spider's fang stretching past the bandaging. Dahni's visible eye was gaunt, as if he had done weeks of starving within hours, effects probably from what damage the venom had done before treatment.

Kor hardly had time to absorb it all before Dahni's stern voice continued.
"You can't just run out there, boy," he said, his voice slightly affected by the swelling of his face, "It's the dead of night. It's too dangerous!"

Kor's wide-eyed shock, however, seemed to soften Dahni's grip and voice. "I'm sorry, Kor. I don't mean to scold you, but the woods are treacherous enough in daylight, as our injuries show. Night has fallen, and we need-"

But Kor interrupted, his determination renewed and his frustration evident as he stomped his foot. "We need to get to Aphid! I don't care if it's dangerous! And I don't care if I get in trouble, because I will leave by myself if I-"

Dahni's grip tightened, and he pulled Kor closer. Though his actions seemed sterner, his voice spoke softer.
"Kor," Dahni gently explained, "you don't even know where we are in these woods. Tell me, if you step out that door alone, do you know how far the village is or even which direction to go? Can you navigate in the dark, under the canopy of the woods?"

Kor's brows furrowed, and he hesitated. "N-No... But you can, can't you? Please, Mister Dahni, we have to go back! Aphid must be so scared not being able to find me! And I'm not even allowed to be out of his sight near sundown. He's probably the one all alone in the woods right now, looking for me! Please, please, please! Mister Dahni, why aren't you letting me get to him?!"

Dahni let out a deep sigh, his eyes meeting Tephelle's as she entered the room, and then shifting to the sisters who had been resting against the far wall. He knew the unspoken reason for his hesitation - the likelihood of Kor finding Aphid's lifeless body. Yet, despite the darkness, their injuries, and the unknown state of the village, Dahni nodded.

"Alright, Kor," he said, "We will go. We will find Aphid." Dahni understood Kor's need for closure, and he knew they might as well face whatever lay ahead sooner rather than later. Besides, he couldn't shake the feeling that Kor would attempt to sneak out on his own, putting himself in harm's way.

Kor's sudden hug caught Dahni off guard, causing him to grunt and wince in pain, but he gently wrapped his arms around the boy in return.

"Thank you, Mister Dahni!" Kor sniffled into his chest.

Llandra spoke up, concern etched on her face, "You're still pretty banged up, are you sure you-"

Dahni reassured her, "Yes, we'll be fine. The medicine is helping, and I'm feeling much myself already. However, I was wondering if you might have any spare bows or a dagger I could borrow?"

Naetri, Llandra's sister, nodded. She looked remarkably like Llandra, but with lighter hair in a crew cut, and dark green eyes. She too, even bore two claw marks on her face, but vertical down from her right eye. Her clothing was even quite similar, but a rope bracelet wrapped her left arm.

"Just our bows, but we do have a couple of spare daggers," Naetri said, "But Llandra and I are coming with you." Her sister nodded in agreement.

Tephelle leaned in, attempting to whisper discreetly to Naetri, "We've no idea if any bandits still linger...if anyone at all."

Dahni wasn't sure if a Nord's ears were as keen as an Elf's, but he noticed Kor's grip on him tighten as the boy's body began to shake with a mix of despair and anger. Kor had definitely overheard.

Dahni tried to convey a silent warning through his one visible eye, urging Tephelle to be more careful with her words. Tephelle's eyes widened in realization, and she quickly covered her mouth with her fingers, regretting the slip.

Naetri, sensing the tension, elbowed Llandra and spoke up with a reassuring tone, "Eh, we'll take care of any bandit stragglers. They're nothing compared to a giant creepy crawly, and those were easy enough for us." Her words were meant to be comforting, but Kor's grip on Dahni only tightened further.

Dahni carefully eased Kor back, his hand gently cradling the side of Kor's face. "Let's go find your brother," he said, his voice soft and reassuring. Kor tearfully nodded.

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