The dining hall of Rathod Palace was a grand room, elegantly decorated with chandeliers casting a warm glow over the long table set with an array of delicious dishes. The two royal families, the Rathods and the Rajputs, gathered for dinner, the atmosphere filled with a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

By coincidence, Prince Aditya found himself seated beside Princess Aaira once again. He couldn't help but glance at her from time to time, captivated by her serene beauty and the silent strength she radiated. Aaira, for her part, focused on her plate, her mind still replaying the events of the day.

King Virat and King Rajendra engaged in a conversation at one end of the table, their voices carrying the weight of their experiences and responsibilities.

"You know, Rajendra," King Virat said, his tone thoughtful, "I've always believed in preparing Aaira for the future, ensuring she understands the importance of duty and responsibility from a young age."

Rajendra nodded, understanding the sentiment but holding a different perspective. "I understand, Virat. But with Aanya, I've chosen to let her enjoy her youth. There's enough time for her to shoulder responsibilities. For now, I want her to experience life without the weight of our positions bearing down on her."

Queen Amaira sighed softly at Virat's words, glancing at her daughter, who sat quietly beside Aditya, her emerald-green eyes focused on her food. Amaira understood her husband's perspective but often wished he would show a softer side to Aaira.

King Virat caught Aaira's gaze and held it for a moment. Their matching green eyes, so alike in color and intensity, spoke volumes. There was a shared understanding, a silent communication that passed between them, filled with unspoken words and emotions.

At the other end of the table, Queen Amaira and Queen Aishwarya engaged in a lighter conversation, discussing family and recent events. Their laughter and gentle banter added a layer of warmth to the gathering.

"So, Aishwarya, how have you been finding your stay so far?" Amaira asked, her tone friendly and curious.

"It's been wonderful, Amaira. Your palace is beautiful, and it's been lovely catching up. Aditya and Aanya are enjoying themselves too," Aishwarya replied, her eyes sparkling with genuine happiness.

Aanya, ever the lively spirit, chimed in. "I love it here! Aaira, you must show me more of the palace tomorrow. It's so fascinating!"

Aaira smiled politely, though her mind was elsewhere. "Of course, Aanya. I'd be happy to."

As the conversation flowed around them, Aditya's focus remained on Aaira. He noticed her quiet demeanor, the way she seemed slightly distant despite the lively atmosphere. He longed to say something, to engage her in conversation, but the moment didn't seem right.

"Aaira, are you enjoying the meal?" Aditya finally asked softly, his voice gentle.

Aaira looked up, meeting his brown eyes. "Yes, it's lovely. Thank you, Aditya," she replied, her voice calm but lacking enthusiasm.

Aditya gave a small nod, sensing the underlying emotions she kept hidden. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," he added, hoping to convey his support.

The dinner continued, with King Rajendra and King Virat discussing various matters of state and family, while Aishwarya and Amaira shared lighter moments. Aanya brought her usual brightness to the table, chatting animatedly with her mother and brother.

As the meal drew to a close, the sense of companionship deepened, though Aaira remained mostly silent, lost in her thoughts. Aditya's occasional glances and subtle attempts at conversation did not go unnoticed by Aaira, and she felt a mixture of gratitude and confusion at his attention.

The Crowned Affair: A Tale of Royal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now