After lunch, Aanya found herself wandering back into the gardens, seeking a moment of solitude to clear her thoughts. She didn't expect to run into Adhiraj again, but there he was, standing by the old fountain.

"Aanya," Adhiraj called softly, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and frustration.

Aanya stopped, her heart beating faster. She turned to face him, trying to maintain her composure. "Adhiraj, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you," he said, stepping closer. "We didn't finish our conversation earlier."

Aanya looked away, the emotions she had been trying to suppress rising to the surface. "There's nothing more to say, Adhiraj. We've been through this."

Adhiraj shook his head, his eyes searching hers. "I can't accept that. We were happy together, Aanya. Why do you keep denying what we had?"

"Because it's in the past," Aanya replied, her voice trembling. "We can't go back. It's too complicated now."

"Why?" Adhiraj asked, his voice rising slightly in frustration. "Is it because of our age difference? Our families? Or is it something else?"

Aanya's eyes filled with tears. "It's everything, Adhiraj. We can't change who we are or our circumstances. We have to move on."

Before Adhiraj could respond, they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. King Virat and King Rajendra were walking towards them. Panic flashed in Aanya's eyes, and she quickly stepped back, creating distance between them.

"We need to act normal," she whispered urgently.

Adhiraj nodded, his expression hardening as he composed himself. Just as the two kings rounded the corner, Aanya turned and walked swiftly back towards the palace, her heart racing.

Inside the palace, Aanya collided with Aaira, who was coming from the opposite direction. Aanya was breathing harshly, her face flushed.

"Aanya, are you okay?" Aaira asked, concern etched on her features.

Aanya nodded quickly, forcing a smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Just... needed some fresh air."

Aaira watched her go, worry in her green emerald eyes. She could tell something was wrong but decided not to press further. She watched as Aanya disappeared down the corridor, heading to her chamber.

Once inside her room, Aanya closed the door and leaned against it, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection. Her eyes were red, and she could see the strain etched on her face. Her gaze drifted to the angel wing pendant hanging around her neck.

She sighed deeply, her fingers lightly touching the delicate piece of jewelry. Memories flooded back to her, vivid and bittersweet.

It was a sunny afternoon in the palace gardens, years ago. Adhiraj had just returned from a long journey and had brought her a gift. With a smile that lit up his entire face, he had placed the angel wing pendant around her neck, his fingers brushing her skin.

"This is for you, my angel," he had said softly, his eyes filled with love. "You're my angel, Aanya."

Aanya's heart ached as she remembered that moment, the happiness and hope they had shared. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she turned away from the mirror, unable to bear the sight of her own reflection.

She walked over to her bed and sat down, clutching the pendant tightly in her hand. The weight of the past and the pain of the present were almost too much to bear. She wanted to forget, to move on, but the love she still felt for Adhiraj made it impossible.

The Crowned Affair: A Tale of Royal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now