The next morning, the palace was bathed in the soft glow of the early sun. In her chamber, Princess Aaira was getting ready for the day. She chose a delicate lavender lehenga adorned with intricate silver embroidery. The flowing skirt swirled gracefully as she moved, and the matching choli highlighted her slender frame. She carefully draped a sheer, silver-embroidered dupatta over her shoulder, ensuring it lay just right.

Aaira sat at her vanity, gently brushing her long, dark hair until it shone. She parted it in the middle and let it fall in soft waves down her back. She adorned herself with simple yet elegant jewelry: silver jhumkas, a matching necklace, and a bracelet that jingled softly with her every movement. She applied a touch of kajal to her striking green eyes, enhancing their natural beauty, and finished with a hint of pink lip gloss.

Taking a deep breath, Aaira felt ready to face the day. She descended the grand staircase, her anklets chiming with each step, and made her way to the dining hall where breakfast was being served.

As she entered, she saw her family and the Rajputs already seated. The room was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food, and the atmosphere was lively with conversation. She approached the table and took her seat, exchanging polite smiles with everyone.

King Virat looked up from his plate and addressed Aaira, his tone casual. "Aaira, I noticed you spent quite some time at the temple yesterday. It's good to see you embracing your responsibilities, but I hope you're not getting too distracted from your duties here."

Aaira felt a surge of anger rise within her. She had hoped for a peaceful morning, but her father's comment struck a nerve. She set down her fork, her eyes narrowing slightly as she responded. "Father, I am well aware of my responsibilities. Going to the temple and performing prayers is part of them, is it not? Or would you prefer I neglect my spiritual duties as well?"

The tension in the room was palpable as everyone fell silent, sensing the brewing conflict. King Virat's expression hardened, but before he could reply, Queen Amaira intervened, her voice soothing. "Aaira, your father did not mean it that way. Let's not start the day with arguments."

Aaira took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She knew her mother was right, but the hurt and frustration from the previous day's revelations still lingered. She picked up her fork again and began to eat, though the joy of the meal was now tainted by her anger.

Across the table, Prince Aditya watched her with concern, his brown eyes reflecting his empathy. He wished he could offer her some comfort, but he knew this was a family matter he had no place in. Instead, he remained silent, hoping that the day would bring better moments for Aaira.

As the meal continued, the atmosphere gradually lightened with casual conversation, but the undercurrent of tension remained. Aaira's thoughts kept drifting back to her father's words and the unresolved issues that hung between them. She resolved to find a way to address them, but for now, she focused on getting through the breakfast without further conflict.


The palace corridors were quiet in the late evening, the soft glow of lanterns casting shadows on the walls. Princess Aanya was walking briskly, her mind preoccupied with the day's events. She turned a corner and suddenly found herself pulled into a dark, empty room. Before she could react, she was pinned against the wall, her heart racing.

"Adhiraj!" she gasped, recognizing the familiar scent and presence of the man before her.

Adhiraj's grip was firm yet gentle as he held her in place, his eyes intense in the dim light. "Aanya, I can't keep this inside any longer," he said, his voice low and urgent. "I love you. I've always loved you."

The Crowned Affair: A Tale of Royal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now