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So today is my first day of a new life, a new home and school.I'm not very happy because I'm leaving all my friends behind, also my best friend Greta, she's been my rock for several years and I can't just let her go.I think she and I will call and meet.

Now I am in my bright room with my cat named Teal, he reminds me of the boy from the fountain I was in when I was eight years old, my cat has a black coat color, like the hair of that boy from the fountain, and shining blue eyes the color of the ocean like his.I love my cat very much and I can't part with him one step at a time.
I also love ballet and music, but most of all spending time with my brother, we are different when I have blonde hair like mom, he has dark, almost black hair like dad, I have blue eyes the color of the night ocean, he has dark eyes the color of coffee.As expected, we are also different characters, he has a rougher and more violent character, I have a soft and restrained in moments. But he behaves differently with me when he prefers rudeness with others, but as soon as my brother looks at me, there are sparks in his eyes, and he calms down.I love my brother very much and support him in everything.

Now I look at my reflection in the mirror and touch up my eyelashes, I don't like too much makeup, so I only use a small amount of concealer, mascara, blush and lip gloss for juicy lips.I'm wearing a pale blue dress that fits me, I'm also wearing my favorite white converse with hearts and a handbag from Dior,also in a blue shade,so that it oozes with the dress.I also wear my favorite pendant that my mother gave me when I was seven, the pendant consists of several different diamond stones, the pendant itself symbolizes peace.

Ten minutes later, I enter the room with the cat and head to the main hall.
It is huge in white and gold tones with a large ceiling on which hangs a huge chandelier in the style of ancient gods, large panoramic windows and white and gold carpets.My family greets me in the great hall.
Mom is wearing a white jumpsuit that accentuates her hourglass figure, as well as heels from the limited edition Dior collection, also white.Mom greets me with a huge smile on her face, which gives wrinkles to her blue eyes.She symbolizes purity and trust for me.
I go up to my mom, hug her and say.
- When do we leave?-I ask her.
- It's coming soon, maybe in fifteen minutes.- she stops and looks at me-Princess, you look amazing as always!- she says with admiration.
- Yes, Stelli, beautiful as always.- says my brother coming out from behind and I look at him, he is dressed in an ironed white shirt with a short sleeve that emphasizes his muscles on his arms, as well as black jeans in combination with black sneakers and everything looks like God on him, as always.
My brother is a year older than me and always succeeds in everything for me and is overprotective of me.
-You're not bad either, Prince- I say with a chuckle.
- So, princess, since everything is already here, I think it's better to go now, the suitcases have already been brought into the car -says the father, who is dressed in a tuxedo.
He is a huge man that some are afraid of, but not me and my mom, I have not seen such love as my parents have, when they look at each other, it's like something amazing.Dad looks at Mom like she's the whole universe, like she's his angel and the only woman who can keep his demons in check.
I pull the cat to my chest and the whole family leaves the house and heads to a black limousine where we are met by the best man who opens the doors for us.I sit down on the seat next to my brother, and as always take his hand in mine.And he says:
- Well, Stelli, are you ready for a new beginning?"What is it?" he asks.
- Yes, I think I'll make friends with a lot of people at school.- I'm talking to a reliable one.
- Don't worry, of course you'll make friends, you're a doll.- my brother calms me down, I love him so much for this, he sees all the time when I'm worried or when I'm desperate.

An hour and a half later we arrive in our new town called Thunder Bay, a small town with several shopping malls and parks.I love such towns because I don't like too big cities in which the city is teeming with people.
We drive into the area where our house is and approach our destination.The car stops and I get out of the car.Our house is a large white-gray color with marble windows, and plants around the house.My brother takes my hand and we walk to the front door, followed by dad and mom and the cat getting out of the car.Mom stops and says.
-Wow, this is better than I expected-she says, looking at the house.
-Yes, Mom, you have lovely taste- I say.
- So now you can come in and see your rooms, Mom and I will be right there.- says the father
I go up to my mother, transfer the cat from her hands to mine, and enter the house with my brother's escort.
We enter the living room, which is in white and gray tones with huge windows and white furniture.I stop with my brother and say
- I'm going upstairs to look at my room-I say, kiss my brother on the cheek and go upstairs.
I enter a spacious white room with a huge bed and a dressing table, there is also a white plush carpet on the floor and a place where Teal will sleep.I put the cat on the bed and go into the bathroom, everything is also in white, marble floors, with a marble counter to the sink, there is also a shower and a bathtub, it is very convenient, since in the last house we only had a shower.
As soon as I look at everything in the bathtub, I get out of it, and start rearranging all my clothes, I'm very tired because it's already pretty dark and I'm exhausted all day.As soon as I finish, I change into my blue pajamas and get ready for bed.
I'm already lying down on the bed when someone knocks on the room.
-Come in-I say, and my brother comes in,in his pajamas.
- How are you?Everything okay?-My brother asks, and I nod and say
- Yes, the house is very charming, and the room is also very beautiful, so far I like everything-I say in an admiring voice
- Yes, I like everything too.- He says thoughtfully
- Eli, do you know if there is a ballet studio in the house?-I ask.
- Yes, your parents built it specially for you, it's in the yard.
- Eli, you've been brooding lately, is there something that bothers you?
- No, it's okay princess, now good night.- He says, bends down and kisses the top of my head
-Good night, Prince-I say in a listless voice, and my brother goes out the door, closing it behind him.

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