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The first day of school went well enough.All day I tried to get information about the riders from the girls, but nothing worked, they refused to talk.
Is it because they do terrible things or for some other reason?I honestly don't know.
After school, I asked the driver not to pick me up, because I want to walk around the city a little bit because this is my first time here, and I would like to get used to it.
Now I'm walking past the cinema theater, I've already walked through many places in this city and would like to see something else in the city, although as they say the town is small, but there are many special places here.
I head towards the cinema theater and inspect it.It is located in the center of the town and now the cinema is full of people.
At the moment, I go to the counter and take a ticket to the VIP lounge.I chose the VIP lounge because there are a lot of people for some movie and I didn't want to be in the crowd.To be honest, I don't really like public places and so if I'm somewhere in a public place, I try to stay away from people.

I walk into the VIP lounge and take my seat.I also took popcorn and various goodies.
That's where the movie starts.I chose horror because I love this genre.
Now I'm watching a girl running away from a masked man, when he catches her, she starts having a psychopathological conversation with him.I don't understand girls like that in horror at all, you could run away, fight, but girls in movies are so stupid.
I'm already in the middle of the movie when someone opens the door to the VIP lounge and walks in.
I'm watching a girl with long black hair that covers her face, she's wearing a black hoodie and wide black pants.
- Hey, aren't you mistaken?This is a VIP room- i say in a kind voice, so that she doesn't think that I'm going to make a scandal because of this.
The girl turns to me and looks at me with her dark eyes, but does not try to answer.
It gave me goosebumps.
- Hey? - I repeat again
The girl blinks and gives me a dazzling smile.
-Oh, I'm sorry,I didn't know anyone else was here-she says and looks at me with her mesmerizing eyes-I just always come here at this time, since no one goes to this hall -she continues
- Well,I came because I didn't want to be in the public hall, there are an awful lot of people there-I say and continue-You can join if you want, only half the movie has already passed-I tap on the next place with my palm telling her to sit down if she wants.
-Okay,if you don't mind- she says and sits down next to me.
The smell of rain with notes of basil comes from her.I dare to start a conversation and say:
- Do you always come here at this time?I ask.
- Yes, here I can relax and come to my senses-she says, turns and looks at me.
-Do you happen to go to the nearest school here?- she asks and examines my face.
- Yes, it is - I say briefly and pause thoughtfully - And how did you find out?I ask.
- I saw you at school today,new girl,right?
- Yes, it is, I'm new, I just transferred, I say - It's cool that we study at the same school-I continue to do the same
- What's your name?- the stranger asks
- I'm Stella Kennedy, and you?
"I'm Octavia Torrance," she says, and emphasizes her last name.
- Torrance?I've heard that name somewhere-I say.
- Yes, my brother studies at the same school, he is two years older than me and is now in the eleventh grade, says Octavia
- Oh, yes, I've already heard something about your brother-I say-So you're sixteen years old?I ask.
- Yes, but I'm about to be seventeen- the girl answers, looking at the movie screen.
This girl looks a bit like her brother, they both have dark hair, but their eyes are different.I want to learn so much from her about the riders, but I'm holding back so as not to scare her away.
But why is she sad and comes here?This girl looks like a mystery, I would really like to make friends with her because we are similar in some ways.
- Have you been in this city since you were a child?Suddenly I ask in a low voice.
I see that she doesn't react and continues to watch the movie.And I repeat this question, in a slightly firm voice.Octavia jumps up, probably coming out of her thoughts and says:
- Oh, I'm sorry, yes,I've been here since I was born, - she says and rubs the back of her head a little.
- Could you tell me about some places in Thunder Bay?I just want to explore the city more deeply, I say.
-Yes, I can tell you,although if you don't mind,I can show you-she says
- Yes, it would be great,when can we look around?
- Maybe after the movie,if you're not busy?Octavia asks.
-Yes, I'm free-I say with a hint of amusement.
For the next thirty minutes, we watch the movie and discuss some points.To be honest, this girl is very nice, she also talked about her brothers, only she did not mention Ivarsen.
- What about Ivarsen?I ask and look at her.
- What about him?What is it?- she asks in response
-You didn't mention him when you were talking about the brothers-I say, puzzled.
- Well, he and I are not so close, he usually goes about his business and takes too much care of me, to be honest, even worse than my father, - she says and looks at her feet rubbing the back of her head
- Have you always been close?I ask.
Because my brother and I have always been close at any time, only in the last few months, he began to move away from me after he found out that we were moving to another city, and my brother was constantly disappearing somewhere.
When I asked what happened to him, he waved me off, which he never did.
I think I'd better stay out of it, I think he'd better figure himself out.Because when I come to him with interrogations, he starts raising his voice at me.
Something he had never done before.

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