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I've never played well with
Yes, I could use my charm, but only to gain favor here, connections there, and sex everywhere.
And by no means to collect superfans and girls with dreamy eyes.
In fact, I only played with him to have fun.

Strength is for brutes who are not able to think with their heads. And while I enjoy the occasional
outburst of violence, it's not really my way of doing things.

However, I recognized a certain angel out of a thousand, even if she was wearing a mask.
Her hair is a light shade, her eyes are a dark ocean and the necklace she wears all the time and that damn smell coming from her... coconut, vanilla and her own feminine scent.
When I saw her dancing, it was fucking incredible.I specifically watched her so that she would send a message to her brother, and then my brother was very worried that I touched his angel because of him.

That evening, the girl was wearing a light pink suit and dancing to the music. She seemed weightless and in her own world. Her glossy blonde hair was piled on top of her head, but a few curls framed her face. She looked like a doll. Heart-shaped lips, porcelain-smooth skin and fabulous facial features.
There was something familiar about this girl, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.
She was so immersed in the music that she didn't seem to notice me. Her eyes were closed. I never thought that I would like anyone's ballet except my mother, but watching this girl, I couldn't imagine how I would take my eyes off her.
My mind went blank, my heartbeat slowed down, and all the cruel thoughts left me when I first thought about her.
Fuck.This girl.Why did she come to the initiation?And whether she told her brother what I asked.
I know who she is, but she doesn't know who I am.And I'll remind her of that.I remember that day a long time ago, our first day together, she was very scared, lost and staring into the void.
She's more alive now.
My father always told me that you can tell people by their eyes.
But when I looked into the angel's eyes, they were lifeless, as if she was with me but still did not get rid of the other world she was in as a child.
I'm going to remind her who I am and make sure she doesn't forget.

I've been having insomnia for several days now and I'm staring blankly at the dark ceiling.
I tried to fall asleep, but then the angel's eyes would pop up.What is this damn girl doing in my mind right now.
Today was an amazing night of violence, violence and more violence.
But it was only the angel that I treated more warmly.
Madden had a lot of fun, he missed this night as much as I did.We both have violence and destruction in our blood.But Mads got out of control today, he would have killed a guy in front of an angel today if I hadn't stopped him.
As a child, he killed two guys for my sister and I am very grateful to him for that, as I would have done the same.But the boy was only eleven and he had already killed two people and left one without an eye.Mads himself is very quiet and without emotion, but all quiet loud in their actions like him, in his emotionless eyes already, something lights up when he needs to fight with someone or feel the taste of blood.
I've always been less crazy than him.
I loved fighting and destroying people's lives, but I never went beyond the bounds of what was allowed.
My father keeps me in check, he told me that he used to be like that, but not as crazy as Madden and me.

It's already eight-twenty and I still haven't slept a wink, just like in previous days.
I walk down the stairs of our house, already dressed in an un-ironed shirt, jeans and black sneakers.
On the way, I see Octavia leaving the room and coming down too.We don't talk as much as we did when I was thirteen and she was eleven.Maybe I even miss you.

We enter the kitchen as I see my mother cooking pancakes and my father at the table.
My father doesn't look his age, he looks more like a thirty-year-old boy, and my mother doesn't look her age either.She is always a cheerful woman when her father is more severe.
Dad always wanted a girl, so he loves little daughter Octavia more than all of us guys.
- Children, have you come down yet?Mom asks and turns in our direction.
"Yes, Mom," Octavia says, running up to her mom and kissing her on the cheek.
- Ivarsen, are you here?Mom asks.
- Yes, good morning, - I say with a forced smile and sit down at the table.
My father, as always, looks at some documents while sitting at the at the table, without stroking anyone.
Octavia moves away from her mother and approaches her father.
"Good morning, Daddy," she says and kisses him on the cheek too.
I roll my eyes at the whole foreplay and stare at the phone.
"Would you like to say good morning to your father, Ivarsen?"My father asks, looking at me with his penetrating gaze.
I look up from the phone and look into his eyes.
"Good morning, Daddy," I say, mimicking Tavi and pulling on my trademark smile.
Tavi rolls his eyes and goes to help his mother put food on the table.
- Is something wrong, son?- my father asks
"I'm fine," I say shortly.
"You don't look like you," my father says, "When was the last time you slept?"- He asks
- I don't remember, the bitches use my time too well at night.I say, and give him my trademark grin.
The father is about to say something when Gunnar and Dag suddenly come in.

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