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The next day, I went to school alone, because my brother said he was sick.But whether he really got sick, I do not know.
After I woke up in the morning, I was thinking about last night, everything was so piled up, so much information.Some stupid guy threatened me after dancing in my new ballet studio and my brother's conversation.Everything is too confusing and I tried to put everything into a puzzle.The brother of the campaign was in some company with which the devils were feuding, and after the incident of the attack on the guy from their company, they began to feud.And in connection with their enmity, the guy from the devils Ivarsen came to get even with me, as I understood from his eyes.And it's all strange, why did he have to come to me with threats to my brother, he could have told him that himself and started threatening him.This Ivarsen Torrens is very strange.But there is something attractive about him and that...
Yes, those eyes..they are very attractive and fascinating, when I looked into his eyes I saw a dark raging ocean with reflections of darkness.This whole guy is a darkness and a threat.
Walking into the school, I was in my thoughts and accidentally bumped into a girl.
"I'm sorry," I said immediately.
- Oh, Stella, hi, - said a familiar voice and I turned around.
Those dark eyes with glints of light looked at me.
- Octavia!I said emotionally, went up to her and hugged her in greeting
"Yes, I am," she said
Today she was wearing a short black top with the inscription: "Being a bitch does not mean being bad" and gray jeans that hung on her hips, they were a little too big and she fastened them with a thick black belt.She was also wearing an obese skull and her hair was falling off her shoulders as always.
- What happened?You were walking all in your thoughts and didn't even notice me when I greeted you, says the girl

If only you knew what you were thinking about your brother and what bullshit he threatened me with yesterday.

-Yes, that's not what it's about, I replied, embarrassed, rubbing my obesity.
- It doesn't look like there's nothing to talk about-she said thoughtfully and changed the subject-By the way, tonight is the Night of the Devil, my brother won't be home again -the girl said and I exhaled that she had changed the subject.But I tensed up again at the mention of this initiation, which I had to go to with her brother's name.
- Oh, yes, I think people will have fun there, - I say and walk towards the classroom
"Only psychopaths would like that," Octavia muttered.
- Okay, I went to class, I'll meet you at the next break, - I said and waved goodbye to her.
When I entered the classroom, I immediately noticed Indy and Jett who were violently discussing something.
I sit down on the desk next to them and say:
- What are you discussing?- I'm talking to them.
Indy gets distracted and looks at me.
"Yes, that's what's going to be new on Devil's Night," she says
- Yes, they say this night will be exciting -continues Jett
- Will you go there?I ask.
- Yes, it will be awesome, Jett and I are going there.Isn't that right, Jett?- Indy says
- Yes, will you come with us, Stella?-asks the other girl

I don't think it's worth telling them now that I'm going.But again, I don't want to lie, and I need to hide my appearance somehow so that I won't be noticed there.
- Listen, what's the dress code?I ask.
- It seems like everyone should be wearing masks, they can give them away there or you can take them yourself.- Indy says
- So are you coming too?Jett asks.
- No, I'm not going, I need to do a math project and there's no time for parties at all, I say and rub the bridge of my nose
"It's a pity, Your Highness would have shown you what real fun is," Indy says
- Are you raising the bar for Your Highness?- Jett says
- Yes, it's boring to be with me when you can be more presentable, - says another girl and winks
I roll my eyes and bury my face in my notebook.

I've been home for like an hour and I've been going all this hour.It's already about fifteen minutes to eleven and I'm getting ready for tonight.
I'm wearing a red short tight-fitting dress that has a small deep neckline on the back.I'm also wearing black boots with heels that reach to my knees.I'm wearing my necklace, which my mother gave me, is on display.
I dyed my lips red today, I've never used it, but to be honest, I really like this color and it also fits the dress.I tinted my eyelashes a little and let down my blonde hair, it fell in curly waves from my shoulders.
I got up from my chair, picked up a black baguette bag and headed for the door.
When I went out into the hallway, I didn't hear anyone and ran out of the house.
Ten minutes later, I was standing by St. Killian's.
On the way to my destination, I ran into the store and took a black skull mask with silver cuts.
Now I put it on my face and headed for the Cathedral.It was cleaner here than the last time I was with Octavia.
I was surrounded by a forest and drunken teenagers, and some trees had light bulbs hanging as decor.
I see a staircase leading down and head there, going down the stone steps to the main party, as I understand it. Inside, everything is boiling with people and I look around for familiar faces, but so far I don't see anyone familiar, since everyone is wearing masks.
And then I hear someone talking, voices came from the speakers.
-We welcome everyone to the initiation of the Night of the Devil, today, as in past years, you will run away from our four, but this time not only sexual addiction will be used, but also violence-the creepy voice stops and continues-Anyone who is not satisfied with the new rules can leave the door.
I see about fifteen people come out and I think I'll come out too.But then I remember I'm Stella Kennedy, I'm not afraid of anything, I have to be strong and fight back.
- So, those who stayed, I wish you good luck, but for now you can go up the stairs and run into the woods. -the voice stops-Have a fun party!
I mean, all the people immediately turn around and go towards the stairs that lead up, as I understand it, into the forest.
I immediately turn around and run after the crowd of people.I run as fast as I can and find myself at the beginning of the forest.
I hear someone from something is saying from the speakers again.
"The riders will be out in a minute, be ready," says a voice from the speakers.
I am running in an unknown direction and trees surround me, some people run in groups, but I decided to run alone, it will be easier this way.
I'm running and it's not comfortable for me to move around in my heeled boots, so I hide in the nearest bush.I'm already used to sitting and not making a single sound, so at least they won't notice me yet.
I start to hear people screaming and a shiver runs down my spine.I shake my head back and forth, and I hear people screaming everywhere.
A minute later, I see a silver and a black mask walking in my direction.I stop breathing for a moment and freeze.
Immediately people run by and the silver mask takes one, as I understand from the physique of a man, and jerks him to the ground, the silver mask inflicts deadly blows on this player.
I'm shaking all over and checking if I'm wearing a mask.
I see that the player is already taking off his mask and asking for help and begging the silver mask to stop.
But he doesn't listen, he strikes hard at the man wherever he can, as if he longs for it.
Meanwhile, the black mask has stopped by the silver one and is pushing him away.He takes him by the shoulders and says something I couldn't hear.The silver mask immediately nods and goes the other way, as I understand it, for another victim.I look around and think how to get out of here.It's very scary for me to look at it through the screen, and the other thing is to see it and understand that you can also be dealt with.
I look at the man in the black mask and he turns around.Immediately, my heart almost jumps out of my chest because of how scared I am.He's looking at me, and I think maybe he's not looking at me and I'm looking in all directions with my eyes.Then he turns his head to the side and continues to stare at me with his sinister eyes.Immediately he takes a step towards me, I shudder and a tremor runs through my whole body.

I see you, angel, stop hiding.- says the black mask
I shake my head and dig my nails into the ground.
"Come on, angel, don't resist while you can.- he says and stops-Or do you want to be fucked in your tight pussy?"What is it?" he asks mockingly.
I am immediately overwhelmed by a wave of something that I have never felt from his dirty words.My inner thighs are getting wet and the dress has become too tight.
I immediately mentally shake my head and come out of my stupor.Then I quickly get to my feet, turn around and run as fast as I can.
I hear branches breaking behind me and accelerate my pace.I've never run so fast, I can't hear him moving from behind, but the branches give him up, the fact that they break under his feet.
Immediately, I turn the corner and run in the other direction, then turn behind a tree and hide under it. I look around for the stalker, but I can't see him anywhere.I hear something off to my left and turn towards the sound.
The black mask stands and looks down at me with his eyes, so familiar I've seen them somewhere.And then an understanding comes to my mind...

This is Ivarsen

The main rider and my friend's brother.


I stand up and look back at him with my determined gaze.
Immediately, he takes me by the waist and pulls me towards him, and I stare at him in a daze.
"I got it," he says in a low voice
His voice breaks me out of my stupor and I try to push him away from me.
"Don't make me hurt you, angel, and I don't fucking want to do that," he says in a husky voice.
- What do you need?I say in a low voice to remove the tremor in my voice.
- What do you think?"What is it?" he asks
- I don't think so!- I say, raising my voice a little-Let me go, you sick bastard-I say
"You're too innocent to say such words," he says, and pulls me closer to him.I feel that in the lower abdomen, something is emerging and my thighs are getting too wet, that my panties are getting wet.
-Wh... what do you want from me?I ask in a low voice, I don't even think he heard me.
He tilts his head towards me and I feel his burning breath through his mask.
- You.- He says
In a panic, I punch him in the groin, turn around and run away to the other side of the forest.

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