First day of school

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 I left the headmaster's office heading straight toward the administration office, not wanting to lose any time. It was most likely that I would get lost around school so time was precious so I didn't get late for my first class. 

 "Hi, I'm looking for Ms. James." I said putting the folder on the counter while a grumpy-looking woman stared at me. 


"Y/n Medici"

"Fill this out please." She said while giving me a paper and pen, and grabbing the folder off the counter. I signed everything there was to sign. 

"Here's the dining room, the science room, and the theater. Here's your locker number, and here's your schedule". Ms. James said placing lots of papers in front of me. "Take this map. Here are the rules of the school and the Chilton honor code. Here are the words to the school song, which must be recited upon demand. This can happen at any place, at any time.  You can do it in Latin to get extra credit. Do you have any questions?"

"No, I don't." I said breathing heavily, this woman just went on a monologue, and it seemed like she had stolen all of the air in the room.

"If you do have any, you can schedule an appointment to see your guidance counselor Mr. Winters. He handles everything but bulimia and pregnancy." She finished. 

"Damn, that's all the help I needed." I said sarcastically and she looked me dead in the eyes. 

"For that, you will have to go to the nurse or coach Rubens. Welcome to Chilton." She said with a weird smile on her face.

"Thank you, everyone here is so welcoming." I said in irony and turned away to leave the room. 

 I looked for my locker and when I finally found it, I started decorating it. I put a mirror by the door and some pictures of some places I have been to, of the paddock, my family and I, and some drivers that I'm close to. I would say I kind of consider some drivers of the grid my friends, but due to the age gap, it would sound weird to call them so, so I just refer to them as colleagues. 

 As I was placing some materials in my locker I saw Rory approaching the locker to my left. 

"So our paths crossed pretty quickly." I said jokingly.

"Yeah, they did. Are you a junior as well?" Rory asked.

"I am."

"How nice! What's your first class of the day?" She asked excitedly. 

"English, yours?" I said closing my locker door.

"Same." She replied smiling.

"I'll wait for you then, so we can go together." I said with relief in my heart. Rory seems like such a sweet person, I really hope I can be friends with her. 

"Where do you live?" Rory asked curiously.

"Stars Hollow." I replied checking my phone.

"No way me too! How come I never saw you at school there?" She asked closing her locker and starting to walk.

"I just moved there actually. I used to live in Italy." 

"Oh my God, how cool, I've always wanted to go to Italy." She stated with a smile plastered on her face.

 We chatted the entire way to the class and sat at our assigned seats. The class was full of topics and the teacher just wouldn't stop talking, I picked up that you can't wander at all or else you'll get lost and lose most of what has been said. I sat behind Rory and during class I noticed that she was getting a bit stressed out, I'll maybe try to comfort her later on that. During class, there was this girl who would just answer all of the teacher's questions, she was such a teacher's pet. 

Can I be honest? - Tristan Dugray X readerWhere stories live. Discover now