This weekend? Chaotic. I slept the entire flight, 12 hours of pure sleeping, when we landed, it was 2 in the afternoon of friday. We got off the flight and went straight to the hotel, I changed and got my makeup done, and as soon as it was done it was already time for FP1 (First Practice Session 1). Afterwards, it was Qualifying and we could see from Quali that this race weekend was going to be difficult.
It was a front-row experience of hell. It was burning hot, which was good because I got to go to the beach on sunday, but during the race, that temperature was nothing but dangerous. On sunday we got the results we all expected Max had won again, but what everyone was caring about was the drivers' health.
When the races come to an end, is when we actually get to know everything that happened throughout it. In the end, we heard that Ocon had puked mid-race, Sargent DNF'ed because he was not feeling well, Alonso said that his seat seemed on fire, Stroll stated that he had the feeling he would pass out at any given moment, Albon had to go to a hospital to be treated for acute heat exposition and much more.
I never thought that I would be worried about their safety for something other than the fact they were driving cars at 300 km/h. After some time everyone was better again and we headed to the celebration party, but I left early because I had to catch a flight back to the US, in which For 6 hours I studied for my test on monday, and for the other 6 hours, I slept once again.
Monday 5:30 AM
When mom and I arrived home I went directly to my bathroom to shower and take care of my sunburns. Just so you have an idea of how hot it was, I got sunburnt before I even got the chance to go to the beach. Then at the beach, I burned a bit more and now I look like a live human-sized tomato.
As I was dressing up I revised all the subjects quickly in my head. I was ready an hour before I had to leave for school, so I decided to have breakfast somewhere else. Something I wondered while I traveled was that now I know more establishments in Qatar than the ones in the city I live in. I was leaving my house and as once again I didn't want to stand out, I took our Ferrari Portofino out of the garage because its design is simpler so it might not draw attention.
I drove around the town and parked in front of this apparently dinner. I was a bit confused because the bigger sign on top of it said it was a hardware store, but the smaller sign by the door said it was a dinner, if it's either one of those, this sign mess makes it absolutely misleading. I entered and saw tables and chairs, and the entire environment smelled like food, so now I figured out what it was. I went to the counter, sat, and picked the menu.
"Hi, what will you have?" A tall bearded man asked me, he was holding a notepad and a pen.
"I would like 2 nails and 5 screws, to go please." I said jokingly, he rolled his eyes.
"When you're ready to ask you can signal to me." He said turning to leave.
"I want to order, it was just a joke, jeez." I said annoyed. "Can't anyone take a joke? But really what is it with the signs?"
"This was my dad's store, I wanted to keep his legacy. Now can I take your order?"
"Sure" I started to speak but I was stopped by someone who grabbed my shoulders jumpily. It hurt so bad, they put their hands exactly where I was massively burnt.
"Y/n!! I can't believe you're here at Luke's." Rory said smiling, Lorelai behind her. When Rory looked at my face her eyes widened. "Oh god, is this too much blush or..."
"It's a sunburn." I replied calmly. I noticed that as soon as the Gilmores arrived, the waiter's expression softened.
"You know them?" The guy on the counter asked me.

Can I be honest? - Tristan Dugray X reader
Romance"You have no idea how much adrenaline there must be when you drive an F1 car" "I think it might be similar to what I feel when I'm close to you"