Secrets and first kisses

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 The Circuit of America GP this weekend was... predictable. Nothing much happened, Max won again just like most races this season. It was dull. I haven't heard from Tristan all weekend, Rory on the other hand asked for exclusive content of the paddock and I sent her multiple videos showing her around and updated her on everything. Rory's birthday on saturday was way better than the one her grandparents arranged. I finally got to meet all the people from Rory's anecdotes, like Sookie, Lane, Babette, and Kirk, and they are all so delightful and kind-hearted. I felt at home even with the sickening feeling I had tying up my stomach due to the disappearance of Tristan. 

Monday 10:00 AM

 Today I skipped school, as much as I dislike doing so because that means I'll have a lot to catch up on, I needed some rest and some peace. I was just chilling when Rory suddenly texted me. 

 Oh my God, I don't know about what to freak out first, Tristan asked for a picture of us, why? And second, finally, Mary isn't so Mary anymore

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 Oh my God, I don't know about what to freak out first, Tristan asked for a picture of us, why? And second, finally, Mary isn't so Mary anymore. 

Monday 6h00 PM

I'm on my way to Rory's house, I decided to go walking as it's barely a 10-minute walk. When I arrived I knocked on the door and was received by a giggly Rory.

"Hey Y/n, come on in" Rory said leading me in.

"With pleasure." She takes me to her room and we sit in her bed. "Now tell me everything"

"I kissed Dean at Doose's market, Aisle 3." She started telling.

"Does the aisle matter?" I ask genuinely.

"Not really, it was by the ant spray" I frown and motion for her to keep talking.

"So I go into the store and he offers me a soda... Actually, at first, I pretended I went there for something and went looking for cornstarch." 

"Cornstarch?" I ask, thinking that she's the worst at being subtle.

"Don't question my ways, it worked out for the best in the end." I nod in agreement.

"Sure it did." 

"Also, I shoplifted." She completed, standing up and grabbing a box of cornstarch from her dresser.

"What?" I ask confusedly "How did that happen?"

"I should focus my thought process, it'll all make sense." I nod and she sits back "So, he saw me and offered free soda, I'm not dumb and accepted it. Then he put two behind his back and asked me to pick one hand, and when I leaned in to choose one, BOOM! It happened." 

"Oh God, I can't believe it Rory!" I exclaim "Was it good?"

"It was perfect" She answers smiling.

"But now to the shoplifting..." 

"Oh, while all this happened I was holding the cornstarch and I ran away." She explained calmly.

"You ran away?" I ask, thinking about how similar it was to what occurred between Tristan and me, except he didn't exactly run away.


"Why?" I ask trying to understand what could've gone through his mind.

"I freaked out I didn't know what to do, so I ran and shoplifted on the way." I frown.

"He must think you've hated it." 

"You think so?" She asks frowning,  concern building up on her.

"Did you at least say something to him before you ran?" I ask trying to help her out.

"I said thank you..." She replied and I burst out laughing. "What?"

"You thanked him?" I ask genuinely.

"Yes, as I said I freaked out" She looks fully concerned now. "Oh dear, how do I fix this?"

"Lorelai must know what to do" I say.

"I haven't told her yet..." Rory says looking down.

"Why not?" I ask confused, they tell each other everything. 

"It's complicated." She says looking away, clearly refusing to answer. 

"Okay, do what you think is best." I say trying to comfort her.

"Why did you miss school today?"  

"Oh, I was tired" I say simply "Also, could you lend me your notes?"

"Why don't you ask for Tristan's notes" She said teasingly.

"Oh... Tristan and I aren't really talking." 

"Why not? You guys even had ice cream together." I frown wondering how did she know that "I saw his stories."

"We sort of... kissed" I said looking down and blushing.

"What? when?" She asks almost screaming, bouncing in bed excitedly.

"At your party on Friday." 

"I can't believe it, oh God, and what happened after?" She asks wanting the details.

"It was at that time we were on the porch we kissed right before you showed up and he just... left." I say looking away, trying to not look sad.

"Ohh I see the irony here." She says, clearly noticing the coincidences in our events. 

"Why hasn't he talked to me?" I ask looking for some advice.

"Did you talk to him after that?" 

"No... He's always the one to make the first move."  I reply, remembering all of our interactions he was always the first to reach out. 

"Maybe, just maybe, he's afraid you didn't like it and this time is waiting for you to make a move." Rory said.

"That makes so much sense" I say now thinking more rationally rather than emotionally. "Now I see why you're one of the smartest at Chilton." She throws a pillow at me.

"Shut up." She says giggling and I roll my eyes giggling as well.

 The entire afternoon we spent plotting how both of us could make our romantic interests aware that we in fact enjoyed their actions. Afterward, I went back home, and it was all settled, the next day I would ask him for his notes, and naturally, he would notice I was not avoiding him. 

Monday 10h00 PM

 I was getting ready for bed when I opened my phone and started scrolling through stories, a terrible vice of mine.

Tristan stories

Song  Ferrari - James Hype, Miggy Dela Rosa

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Song  Ferrari - James Hype, Miggy Dela Rosa.

"Can I be honest?
I still want your hands up on my body
You still make my heart beat fast, Ferrari
With me in the wave, but in the morning
Do you still want me?
Can I be honest?"

1015 words

Can I be honest? - Tristan Dugray X readerWhere stories live. Discover now