xiv. difficult

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so american !chapter fourteen└── •✧• ──┘

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so american !
chapter fourteen
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@lacyroberts requested to DM you !

lacy roberts@lacyroberts • Instagram38K followers • 64 postsYou both follow walker

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lacy roberts
@lacyroberts • Instagram
38K followers • 64 posts
You both follow walker.scobell and 27 others

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lacy roberts
hi olivia! i know this is super random
but i wanted to tell you that there is
absolutely nothing going on between
me and walker. i completely understand
that you guys have some sort of
relationship even though you both deny
it, but there are most definitely feelings
on both ends. anyways, i just wanted to
say that the other day walker tried to kiss
me and i turned him down because i know
how much he likes you and he was only
trying to kiss me to get over those feelings,
but he never will. he truly loves you more
than anyone i've ever seen, and i think you
would be a fool to let him slip out of your

olivia sato
oh my goodness hi lacy! sorry i want to start
by saying ur so pretty wtf 😭 but honestly
right now i don't know what's going on with
me and walker and he's kind of hard to read
so i really don't want to say anything. and you
didn't have to turn down the kiss because of
me, if you like him go for it because i'm not
sure that me and him would even work out

lacy roberts
olivia, trust me i couldn't even think of
him like that. he's like a brother to me!
and i know that whatever happens he
would never even think about hurting
you because he loves you way too much.
i think you should talk to him and figure
things out because i don't think i've ever
seen two people more perfect for each
other. and thank you so much, you're

olivia sato
i'll definitely think about it, things are just
difficult right now so i don't really want to
risk anything. but thank you so much lacy

lacy roberts
of course. let me know what happens!

olivia sato
i will!

└── •✧• ──┘

olivia scrolled through her messages looking for her groupchat with adrian, dior, and leah. once she found it she pressed the facetime button, waiting for all of their faces to appear before she started talking.

"liv, what is going on?" "why is walker with another girl?" "who's lacy?" all of the girls bombarded olivia with questions when they joined.

"okay. so lacy's his friend and they were hanging out and he tried to kiss her but she pulled back because she knows that he likes me and he only tried to kiss her because he wants to get over his feelings for me." liv rambled.

"wait, how do you know this?" leah asked.

"lacy dm'd me. look i'll show you." she picked up her phone from where it was sitting on the edge of her bed, sharing her screen and showing the three girls the dm's between her and lacy.

"wait lacy's so sweet i feel bad i was ready to hate her." adrian frowned.

"i know, i think i would've preferred if she was a bitch." olivia sighed and stopped sharing her screen.

"so what are you gonna do now?" dior asked.

"i don't know. i would text walker but he said he was busy." she shrugged.

"oh my god olivia, he's not busy! literally what would he be doing. it's 10 pm and he has like five friends. he's obviously just nervous to talk to you. text him!" leah yelled.

"jeez. okay, i will. i'll join back in a little."

"okay. have fun! be safe! good luck!" adrian smiled.

"she's not going to a party, ad-" was all olivia heard dior say before she hung up, laughing.

she went back to her messages, her finger hovering over walker's contact. before she could press it, she heard a knock at her hotel door.

confused, she got up from her bed and went to open it. when she opened the door, she was even more confused.

"walker?" she furrowed her eyebrows at the blonde boy standing in front of her.

"hi, liv." he looked immensely nervous.

"what's going on?"

"i- um...earlier. when you asked me if we could talk and i said i was busy. i wasn't i lied." he looked down.

"okay, and you had to come to my hotel room to tell me that?" she giggled which made him smile.

"no, i wanted to tell you something."

"okay, what's up?"

"i love you, liv. and not like how we tell leah and aryan we love them. like yea, i love you like that, obviously but it's deeper. like i think i'm in love with you." he looked at her and shook his head.

"and i just- i love being your friend but i can't just sit here and act like i'm not in love with you and everything's okay, because i think about you all the time and i know that it's not normal to think about someone you're just friends with like that. and i've tried to hard to put my feelings aside and to prioritize our friendship but i just can't. i love you so much, liv. i'm sorry." he looked back down.

"walker." liv whispered. he looked back up at her, his eyes filled with desire.

"i love you too, seaweed brain."


act 1 is over guys ☹️ act 2 very very soon!

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