Chapter 15

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The weight of secrecy weighed down on me as I walked through the house. The familiar scent of home, a blend of cooking spices and the faint hint of wood polish, filled the air.

My parents would be home soon. How could I face them, knowing the journey I was about to undertake? But I couldn't burden them with the weight of my mission. Not yet, at least.

As I made my way to the kitchen, the sound of my parents' voices drifted from the living room. They were discussing their day, their laughter mingling with the soft hum of the evening news playing in the background.

"Luke, you're back early," my mom remarked, looking up from her laptop as I entered the kitchen. Her warm smile faltered for a moment as she noticed the tension in my expression. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just finished up some errands," I replied, forcing a smile. "Nothing to worry about."

My dad glanced up from his phone, his brow furrowing with concern. "You sure? You seem a bit... off."

"I'm fine, really," I reassured them, my voice sounding hollow even to my own ears. "Just tired, I guess."

They exchanged a knowing glance, but thankfully didn't press the issue further. As they continued their conversation, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for keeping them in the dark. But what choice did I have?

As the evening wore on and the sky outside darkened, my parents retreated to their bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. The weight of my mission pressed down on me like a physical force, threatening to suffocate me with its gravity.

I retreated to my own room, the soft glow of my desk lamp casting long shadows across the walls. I knew what I had to do. I couldn't delay any longer.

With a sense of determination, I made my way down to the basement, the creak of the stairs echoing in the silence. But as I reached the bottom, I hesitated.

What if I was making a mistake? What if I never returned?

But then, the memory of Bella's face flashed before my eyes, driving away the doubt. I couldn't abandon her. Not when she needed me the most.

With a steadying breath, I pushed open the door to the storage room, the faint scent of dust and memories flooding my senses. The ornate box sat before me, its lid pulling me forward with an otherworldly glow.

As I stepped through the portal, leaving behind the safety of the world I knew, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. But there was no turning back now. For better or for worse, my fate was sealed.

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