Chapter 19

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The air around me shimmered and warped, and I felt a strange pull as the present dissolved and gave way to the past. I found myself standing in the corner of a grand dining room, its elegance marred by an underlying sense of tension. The table was set with fine china and silverware, and a lavish meal was spread out before the gathered family. 

At the head of the table sat Bella's father, a stern-looking man with sharp features and an air of authority. Beside him was Bella's mother, her expression warm but tinged with weariness. Two young boys, Bella's younger brothers, sat at the other end of the table, their faces bright with innocence and curiosity.

And there was Bella, sitting quietly, her eyes downcast and her posture rigid. She looked much more alive than I had ever seen her, and the sight of her filled me with sadness.

As the family chatted and laughed, the door to the dining room opened, and a man entered. He was tall and imposing, with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. His eyes were cold and calculating, and I knew instantly that this was Mr. Baird.

"Mr. Baird," Bella's father said, rising to greet him. "Welcome. Please, join us."

Baird nodded curtly and took the empty seat beside Bella. The atmosphere in the room shifted subtly, the warmth of family dinner replaced by growing tension.

The meal progressed, and the conversation grew more lively. Bella's father discussed business, the younger brothers shared their school adventures, and Bella's mother inquired about Mr. Baird's recent travels.

"It must be fascinating, traveling so much for work," Bella's mother said, offering Baird a polite smile.

Baird returned the smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Indeed, Mrs. Hart. One sees much of the world and learns many things."

Bella's father leaned forward, his interest piqued. "And what of your recent endeavors, Baird? Any interesting developments?"

Baird took a sip of his wine before responding, his gaze flicking briefly to Bella. "Yes, quite a few. Business has been... challenging, but rewarding. There are always new opportunities if one knows where to look."

Bella's brothers began to fidget, clearly uninterested in the adult conversation. Bella herself remained silent, her eyes fixed on her plate.

"Is everything alright, dear?" her mother asked, reaching out to touch Bella's hand.

Bella looked up, forcing a small smile. "Yes, Mother. Just tired, I suppose."

The meal continued, with Bella's father sharing a humorous story about a recent mishap at work, causing everyone to laugh. Even Bella managed a genuine smile, though it quickly faded.

As the meal drew to a close, Bella's father stood, raising his glass in a toast. "To friends and family," he said, his voice steady. "May we always find strength in each other."

Everyone raised their glasses, though the cheer seemed forced. As they drank, Baird's gaze remained fixed on Bella, a sinister glint in his eyes.

Suddenly, the room grew cold, and the shadows deepened. I felt a chill run down my spine as Baird's demeanor shifted from mere arrogance to something far more sinister.

With a swift motion, Baird rose from his seat and grabbed Bella by the arm, pulling her to her feet. The family gasped, confusion and fear spreading across their faces.

"Baird, what are you doing?" Bella's father demanded, his voice rising in anger.

Baird ignored him, his grip tightening on Bella's arm. "This is a lesson," he said coldly. "A lesson your family will never forget."

Before anyone could react, Baird produced a small dagger from his coat. With a swift, brutal motion, he plunged the blade into Bella's side. A scream tore from her lips, echoing through the room as she collapsed to the floor.

Chaos erupted. Bella's mother screamed, her brothers cried out in terror, and her father lunged at Baird, his face contorted with rage. But Baird was quick, sidestepping the attack and shoving Bella's father to the ground.

I stood frozen, a helpless observer to the horror unfolding before me. The room was filled with screams and the sounds of struggle, but all I could focus on was Bella, lying motionless on the floor, her life slipping away.

Bella's mother rushed to her side, cradling her daughter's head in her lap. Tears streamed down her face as she spoke to Bella, her voice choked with grief. "Bella, sweetheart, stay with me. Please, don't leave us."

Bella's eyes fluttered open, her breaths shallow and labored. "Mother..." she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm scared."

"I'm here, Bella," her mother said, stroking her hair gently. "You're not alone. Just hold on, my darling. Help is coming."

Bella's father, having recovered from the initial shock, crawled over to his wife and daughter, his face ashen. "Bella, listen to your mother. Stay with us. We love you so much."

Tears filled Bella's eyes as she looked up at her parents. "I... I love you too," she managed to say, her voice weak. "Tell my brothers... I love them."

Her father's face crumpled, and he reached out to hold her hand. "You can tell them yourself, Bella. Just stay with us."

But it was too late. Bella's breathing grew more labored, her strength fading with each passing second. With one final, shuddering breath, she closed her eyes, her body going still.

"No!" Bella's mother cried, her voice breaking. "No, Bella, please!"

The room was filled with the sounds of her anguished sobs and the cries of Bella's brothers, who had been shielded by a servant during the chaos. Baird, having achieved his dark purpose, slipped out of the room, leaving devastation in his wake.

As quickly as it had begun, the scene shifted. The dining room faded, replaced by the cold, stone chamber of the Abyssal Keep.

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