Chapter 17

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Madam Fontaine listened intently as I recounted my journey, her piercing eyes never leaving mine. The room felt both oppressive and comforting, its dim lighting casting eerie shadows across the walls. When I finished, she leaned back in her chair, and tapped her fingers on the desk.

"You have undertaken a perilous journey, Luke," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "The Land of the Dead is not kind to those who do not belong here."

"I know," I replied, my voice steady. "But I have to save Bella. She's trapped here, and I can't leave her behind."

Madam Fontaine nodded slowly. "Bella is special. Her connection to both worlds is unique. But you must understand that meddling in the affairs of the dead is filled with danger."

"I don't care about the danger," I said, my resolve firm. "I promised Bella I would help her."

For a moment, there was silence, the weight of my words hanging in the air. Then, Madam Fontaine leaned forward, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"You mentioned encountering a man earlier, near the restaurant where you saw Max's dad," she said. "Tell me more about him."

I recalled the encounter vividly, the man's stern expression and the way he had hurried us away. "He was tall, wearing old-fashioned clothes. He seemed to recognize that I didn't belong here and was very insistent that we leave."

Madam Fontaine's expression grew more intense, a flicker of recognition in her eyes. "Did he say anything else?"

"He didn't say much, just that we needed to leave," I replied. "But he seemed to have a certain authority here. He wasn't like the others."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Madam Fontaine's lips. "Indeed, I know who you speak of. That man is known as the Warden. He maintains the balance in the Land of the Dead, ensuring that the living do not linger too long and disrupt the natural order."

My heart skipped a beat. "The Warden? Bella had mentioned him earlier. Why would he be so concerned about Bella and me?"

Madam Fontaine's eyes softened slightly. "The Warden is aware of Bella's unique situation. He knows that she does not belong entirely to either world, and he is wary of the disruption her presence might cause. His duty is to protect the integrity of this realm."

I struggled to process this new information. "Why didn't Bella ever tell me about him before he chased us out?"

"Some things are best left unsaid, especially when they pertain to the delicate balance between life and death," Madam Fontaine said softly. "Bella's existence is an anomaly, and the Warden has been monitoring her for a long time."

A sense of foreboding settled over me. "What does he want with her? Why is she trapped here?"

Madam Fontaine's expression grew somber. "Bella's connection to the Land of the Dead was not of her choosing. A powerful force bound her to this realm, preventing her from moving on. The Warden's role is to ensure that such anomalies do not threaten the balance of this world."

My mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of Bella's story. "How do I confront this Warden? How do I free Bella from his grasp?"

Madam Fontaine sighed softly, her gaze drifting to the flickering candles that lined the room. "Confronting the Warden directly is not the answer, Luke. His authority in this realm is nearly absolute. However, understanding his past and his connection to Bella might give you the leverage you need."

"What do you mean?" I asked, leaning forward.

"The Warden and Bella share a history," Madam Fontaine explained. "Before they became part of this realm, they knew each other in life. They were close, once. Their fates became intertwined in a way that neither could escape."

I was stunned by this revelation. "They knew each other when they were alive?"

"Yes," Madam Fontaine confirmed. "Their relationship was complex. The Warden, known then as George Baird, held deep resentment toward Bella's family. Her father, in particular, wronged him in some way, and Mr. Baird has kept Bella here as a form of revenge."

I absorbed this information, trying to piece together the implications. "So, Mr. Baird—the Warden—he's been watching over Bella all this time out of spite?"

"In part, yes," Madam Fontaine replied. "But his motivations are multifaceted. He believes that by keeping Bella here, he can inflict suffering upon her family, even though they are at peace now."

My chest tightened with anger and determination. "I won't let him get away with this. I'll find a way to free Bella, no matter what."

Madam Fontaine placed a gentle hand on my arm. "Be cautious, Luke. Mr. Baird is not to be underestimated. He is cunning and powerful, and he will stop at nothing to protect his twisted sense of justice."

I nodded, determination hardening in my chest. "Thank you, Madam Fontaine. I won't rest until Bella is free."

"Go with caution," she said, her voice softening. "And remember, Luke, the Land of the Dead is as much a part of you now as the living world. Trust your instincts and stay true to your purpose."

With her words echoing in my mind, I knew what I had to do. I needed to find Mr. Baird and confront him with the truth.

As I left Madam Fontaine's house, the quiet streets of the Land of the Dead stretched out before me, a maze of shadows and secrets. But now, I had a direction, a purpose. I would find The Warden, uncover the truth of his anger against Bella's family, and use it to free her.

With each step, I couldn't shake the feeling of regret for the argument I had with Bella before leaving. I couldn't let her down. Not now, not ever. The path ahead was uncertain, but I was ready to face whatever challenges lay in wait.



Dear Luke,

How have you been? I hope things are going well up there. I wanted to let you know that I've started playing summer soccer, and I'm really enjoying it. It's been a blast getting out on the field and playing with my team. We've had a few matches so far, and I even managed to score a goal in our last game! It feels great to be active and part of a team.

I've noticed you haven't written much lately, and I wanted to check in and see if everything is okay. I miss your letters a lot. They always brighten my day and make me feel connected to you, even when we're not able to see each other. Your updates and stories are something I look forward to, and it's been a bit lonely without them.

I hope you're not too busy and that things are going well for you. Have you been working on any interesting projects or had any exciting adventures recently? I'd love to hear all about what you've been up to.

Write to me soon when you get the chance. I really miss hearing from you.

Your Friend,


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