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Sorry for the shit title, i just couldn't come up with better, but i realised i wrote a lot of lava in this book and the books name isn't 'lava oneshots' so i decided to write Jaya, cause i love them. <3 And these can be bad cause i only have a big imagination when it come up lava but im trying so i hope you will like this one.

-bad grammar
-i might be lazy somethimes
-implied sex, but not smut
-might be cringe a little☺️
- swearing

-my sister told me not to only make 'lava🙄' , so she asked me to make some jaya instead.

[she ships lava too, but i always tell literally every day that i love them sm. Me and my friends have a group chat and my name is 'lavalover🖤❤️' so yea + they alredy know what lava means💀...... yea i was in an embrace that i love two boys together but... my friend watches Minecraft story mode, and there are gays too i think so She dont care🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️]



Nya's POV:

It was a really beautiful day in Ninjago and i just woke up from my sweet sleeping. I got into my clothes -not my gi cause we had a day off- and i went to downstairs cause i smelled Zane's tasty cooking. It will be probably bacon with eggs. Mhmhmm... i love those.

I saw Zane was cooking with Pixal and then they saw me. "Good morning Nya. How did you sleep?" Pixal asked me with a soft smile on her face. "Oh. Pretty good thanks." I smiled back then I sit down.

"Do you want some coffee?" The other nindroid asked me handing a mug of coffee, cause he alredy know i drink coffee every morning. "Yea, thanks Zane" i sip from the delicious drink. "Your welcome" responded the nindroid.

As soon as i drank my coffe and ate my breakfast, i went to the living room to watch some TV, but someone was alredy there. "Good morning Cole!" I said him wawing he turned araund and wawed back. "Good morning Nya" he said. I sat besides him. He watched a film i never heard of, then i asked him.

"Hey, what is this film?" I asked, the boy chuckled. "Its not a film. Its a kids show, but its really good and always makes me laugh." He said with a soft voice. "Whats called?" I asked the raven haired boy. "Bluey" Its seemed pretty cute and when i get into it, i broke into laughter. "OMG" i laughed with Cole.

"I told ya'" he said. A boy with brown hair walked into the living room. "Good morning" he said. I said it back, but i forgot Cole won't tell like only 'good morning'. He will put a nickname it it 100%. "Hey, hun! How did you sleep?" He asked his boyfriend. See!! I told you!!

"I did sleep great. Thank you for asking love." the boy said kissing the other's cheek. Oh!! Did i mentioned that my brother and my boyfriends best friend ate dating?! Yea i know!!! So unexpected!!!! Im kinda against it a bit but sometimes i don't mind.... IF THEY DONT DO THAT!!!!! If u know what i mean.

Kai then sat on Cole's lap. We watched a lot of episodes and Lloyd, Zane and Pixal came to the room... Only one person missing.... Jay.

He must be sleeping still. I then get up and go to the bathroom cause i have to. I got here and when i saw it...... "OH GOD PLEASE NO!!! NOT NOW!!! WHY THE FUCK THIS NEED TO HAPPEN NOW!? I HAD IT TWO WEEKS AGO!! WHY IT CANT HAPPEN?!" I yelled even harder until i heard someone knocking.

"Hey sweetie? Whats wrong? You have period again?" I could barely regonize his sweet, soft and beautiful voice. It was Jay. "Yea i hate it sm" i said but Jay opened the door a little then put something on the floor. It was a deposit. [i forgot the american meaning so i needed to translate sorry.]

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