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"Toast. I can make toast." Alyssa hears her aunt Jenna declare as she makes her way into the kitchen

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena Gilbert, Alyssa's younger sister says as she pours herself a cup of coffee

Alyssa scrunches her face up in disgust when her sister takes a sip of the black coffee

"That's totally disgusting," she remarks, earning a dirty look from Elena

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy Gilbert, Elena and Alyssa's younger brother, asks as he walks into the kitchen, taking Elena's cup from her

"You guys are both disgusting creatures," Alyssa pours herself some juice as she speaks

Jeremy snorts and ruffles his older sister's hair, earning a slap to the hand

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." Jenna stresses, "lunch money?" she questions as she holds out three twenties to the teens in front of her

"I'm good." Elena declines

Jeremy and Alyssa each grab a twenty, them fighting quietly about who gets the last twenty before Jeremy snatches it for himself, giving Alyssa a smug look, making her flick his nose

"Ow," he pouts, rubbing his nose

"Cry about it," Alyssa sticks her tongue out at him

"Very mature, you guys." Elena laughs slightly at her siblings

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" Jenna questions

Alyssa and Elena share a look

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena asks

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at..." Jenna checks her watch, "Now. Crap!"

Elena shoos her off, telling her that they'll be fine, "You okay?" she asks, turning her attention to Jeremy and Alyssa

"Don't start." The boy says simply, walking off

Alyssa gives Elena an apologetic look as she follows after her brother

"Need a ride? Care is coming to pick me up," She asks Jeremy softly, knowing that Elena's riding with Bonnie

"No. I'll be fine." He replies, smiling slightly

"You sure?" She double checks, only getting a nod in response

She sighs and nods, grabbing her bag and walking to the door

"Be safe!" She calls out to Jeremy before leaving the house


"So.. how are things?" Caroline asks as she drives towards Mystic Falls High School

"Well.. Jenna is stressed, Elena is still moping around while simultaneously trying to control everything me and Jere do, and Jeremy is..closed off." Alyssa replies, looking out the window with a saddened expression

"And what about you? How are you doing?" The blonde turns to look at her best friend

"I'm okay," she answers quietly

"Are you sure?" Caroline pushes

"I'm sure, Care." She laughs slightly, turning to look at the blonde, "I'm actually, finally, starting to feel okay again."

Caroline smiles and nods, happy that her best friend was doing better

"That's good. I'm always here if you need me, though." She makes sure Alyssa knows

'I know." The brunette smiles at Caroline


Alyssa sighs in annoyance as Caroline drags her over to Elena and Bonnie

She loves her sister, she really does, but she already knows how this interaction is gonna go and would rather not have to sit through it. However, Care wanted to do it, so Alyssa agreed

"Elena! Oh my god!" The blonde exclaims as she wraps Elena into a hug, "how are you?" she questions as Elena hesitantly pats Caroline's back in response to the hug, "Oh, it's so good to see you." She says when she pulls away from the hug, turning to look at Bonnie, "how is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you." Elena replies, although looking as though she wants to be anywhere than there

"Really?" She questions

"Yes. Much Better."

"Oh, you poor thing." Before Elena can blink, she's pulled into another hug by Caroline

Eventually Caroline pulls away and smiles at Elena and Bonnie, "Okay, see you guys later?"

They say bye and Alyssa gives her sister a slight look, sensing the true feelings behind her and Bonnie's fake smiles, before she lets Caroline guide her away from the two


After Alyssa finally gets away from Caroline, she finds herself walking around school as she waits for it to be time for her first class, only to run into Jeremy who looks annoyed

"What's wrong, Jere," Alyssa asks, grabbing his arm to stop him from storming away

"Elena can't mind her business. That's what's wrong." He scoffs, snatching his arm away from her

She sighs slightly, dropping her hand back to her side

"You know she only wants what's best for you," She says softly

Jere's face softens

"I know, I just.. I wish she would let me grieve how I want to grieve. I don't mess with her all the time for always brooding and writing in her stupid diary." He grumbles

Alyssa lets a small laugh escape her at his last words

"I know," she smiles slightly, "but I think this is also how she copes. She needs to always have control, because she didn't have control that night. Just give her some time and eventually she'll stop."

Jeremy contemplates her words for a moment, before nodding

"I never thought of it that way." He says honestly, "but I'll try to be more understanding"
"Good." She ruffles his hand, "and I'll talk to Lena. I'll tell her to let you have your freedom'

"Thank you, Lyssa," He smiles, pulling her into a hug

She smiles and hugs back, "No problem, Jere Bear"

A/N so.. first chapter. How do we feel? Anything you want to see? Any duos or interactions you like? This isn't as long as I would've liked it to be, but chapter two will be longer

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