Chapter 18 - awake...

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(Nobody's POV)

The doctor quickly approached Jennie, checking her vitals and noting her confusion and other symptoms. "Jennie, you've been unconscious for three days," Dr. Chaeng explained. "We need to run some final tests to confirm our diagnosis, but we believe your condition is related to a previous head injury."

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed the doctor's words. Jennie's condition was more serious than they had realized, and the weight of their earlier decisions hung heavily in the air.

"Jennie, we need to run these tests as soon as possible," the doctor continued. "Once we have the results, we can discuss the next steps."

"Will she be okay?" Jisoo asked, her voice trembling.

"We're doing everything we can, but we need to wait for the test results to give you a complete picture," Dr. Chaeng replied.

As the medical team prepared Jennie for the tests, her family and friends could do nothing but wait, their worry and guilt intertwining as they hoped for the best.

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