Chapter 22 - The breaking point

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(Jennie POV)

The days in the hospital dragged on, each one blurring into the next. The constant pain in my head was relentless, a dull throb that sometimes spiked into sharp agony. I tried to focus on anything else, but the discomfort was inescapable.

It was late afternoon, and my mom had just left to grab a coffee from the cafeteria. Jisoo had been by my side all day, her presence a small comfort. She was scrolling through her phone, occasionally glancing at me with worried eyes.

The pain suddenly intensified, a sharp, searing sensation that shot through my head. I gasped, clutching my temples. The room spun violently, and I felt like I was being crushed from the inside out.

"Jennie?" Jisoo's voice was panicked as she jumped up, rushing to my side. "Jennie, what's wrong?"

"I... I can't..." I couldn't get the words out. The pain was overwhelming, like someone was driving a spike through my skull. Tears streamed down my face, and I felt my body trembling uncontrollably.

"Doctor! Someone, help!" Jisoo screamed, her voice breaking. She pressed the call button repeatedly, her eyes wide with fear.

Within moments, the room was flooded with medical staff. Dr. Chaeng pushed his way through, his face set with concern. "Jennie, what's happening? Can you describe the pain?"

"It hurts... it hurts so much," I whimpered, barely able to speak through the excruciating pain.

"Her blood pressure is spiking," a nurse called out, glancing at the monitor. "We need to act fast."

"Prepare a sedative," Dr. Chaeng ordered, his voice calm but urgent.

Jisoo was pushed back slightly as the medical team surrounded me. "Please, do something! She's in so much pain!" she cried, her voice desperate.

I could hear her, but it felt like she was miles away. The pain was consuming me, pulling me under. I felt a needle prick my arm, and moments later, a sense of heavy drowsiness began to wash over me. The pain started to dull, but so did everything else. My vision blurred, and I felt myself slipping away.

"Jennie, we're giving you something to help you sleep," Dr. Chaeng said, his voice soothing. "You'll feel better soon."

As the sedative took hold, I caught a final glimpse of Jisoo's tear-streaked face. Her fear and helplessness mirrored my own. I wanted to tell her it was going to be okay, but the words wouldn't come. Darkness enveloped me, pulling me into a deep, merciful sleep.

(Jisoo POV)

I watched helplessly as the doctors injected Jennie with the sedative. Her cries of pain had torn through me, and I felt like I was falling apart. I had never seen her in such agony, and the sight of it broke something inside me.

"Jennie, please be okay," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "Please..."

Mom burst back into the room, her coffee forgotten. She took one look at the scene and her face went pale. "What's happening? What's wrong with Jennie?"

"She had a severe pain episode," Dr. Chaeng explained, his tone professional but gentle. "We had to sedate her to manage the pain."

Mom's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes filling with tears. "My poor baby..."

"She'll sleep for a while," he continued. "This will give her body a chance to rest and recover."

I reached out, gripping Mom's hand tightly. "She's in so much pain, Mom. I don't know what to do..."

Mom pulled me into a hug, her own tears mingling with mine. "We have to stay strong for her, Jisoo. She needs us now more than ever."

We stood there, holding each other, watching over Jennie as she slept. The beeping of the monitors and the soft hum of the hospital faded into the background. All that mattered was Jennie, and the hope that she would come through this nightmare.

"I promise we'll get through this," Mom whispered, her voice filled with determination. "We won't give up on her."

I nodded, trying to hold onto that hope. But as I looked at Jennie's pale face, so peaceful in sleep, I couldn't shake the fear that had settled deep in my heart. The road ahead was long and uncertain, and all I could do was pray that Jennie had the strength to fight through it.

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